29 August 2012

Ego vs Control

So lately I've been living with the frustration of not quite understanding why guys don't like "their woman" to have an accumulation of male friends.

I mean really? Is this not a sign of insecurity to a large extent?
Is it because he knows that if he were to be surrounded with a multitude of females, he wouldn't be able to hold himself and thus thinks that I won’t be able to control myself?

He went on to say, it’s not worried about the amount of temptation I'm exposed to but he just understands how guys think and their intensions.
Thoughts that rampage and turn my brain into a runway leave me wondering if this is a matter of securing the safety of his heart or just another way to exercise control as a man?

I understand the level of discomfort a guy can find himself in if his girl is busy entertaining millions of other guys and not giving him the time of day. But he can’t force me to give up all my friendships and concentrate on him and him alone. My mom always said if he is worth it, your long list of guy friends will eventually die down.

Anyway, I guess what remains, is that his ego got in the way of what could've been a fruitful relationship, according to me. Or maybe it was a good thing on my side, maybe I dodged a bullet....
I guess we'll never know...

How It Broke

Young love scripted through texts unspoken
Lived through words and lost in devotion
Feelings amass but yet left unwoven
An accumulation of frustrations, trapped deep down and dispersed with no action
Sacred and true, malicious and yet so new
The fear crept in where no solid steps where taken

A bold young man struck continuously by distress, failure to understand the masculine mistress
For him, a man in a woman was one fold
Anything else threatened his manhood
A young lady threaded to completion, inner strength reined above all imperfections

What continues to boggle her mind, a deeper question of Dissatisfaction.
Why couldn't he just celebrate the beauty of a woman who took charge?
Confused by the transparency and honesty, modest and insecure bullshit steered him into a state of panic
The love ship stagnant, leaving without even trying.
He fled with his fear of a heart that would remain broken.
