31 August 2011

Shoe Crazy

The one thing I've always been a fan of but never liked wearing were high heels... Shoes really excite me. I think most of the time, I wanna become a corporate woman because of shoes and suits. I like the corporate sexified look, and I think shoes are the one way of distinguishing a classy woman from a general lady...

30 August 2011

Poetry in Motion

Shihan - Love Like

This is the realest a guy can get... I suppose its true, when a guy has found love, there is nothing you can do about it. I just hope I get to make someone feel like this about me one day!

Dress Him Up Like Kanye

I must say, one of my boy inspirations has got to be Kanye West. He has redefined the term FASHION and has made it easier for woman like myself to spot the kind of look brothers/boyfriends/husbands/fiance's SHOULD HAVE

I'd sooooo dress my man friend up like Kanye and have no shame cause he really looks good in almost EVERYTHING he wears. At first glance you may think
But when you actually think about it, you actually realise that you totally dig the style of clothing he rocks. So ladies, don't be afraid to DRESS HIM UP LIKE Kanye!!!

29 August 2011

Morning Thoughts

For today please just Shower me with beautiful voices and noises that seduce my soul,
yes, please ignite the spirit in me that will make me feel whole,
give me a new character that will enhance my current role,
elevating me to become the extreme me and making every fibre of my being boil...
My Morning thought...


Athini, Xolisa and Nthabiseng

A combination peice

Drinking Milk with a straw (MEEEEEE)

This weekend has been nothing but amazing ad the truth is, we create our own realities, mostly without realisation, but each and every thought leads to an alteration of our destiny. Think smart and be smart... Life goes beyond the simple Do's and Don'ts structured by man. Living and thinking positively exposes us to a world unknown, but you can become a permanent citizen. Expose your social self to your inner being, the combination will drive you insane, but nothing but a life well lived comes from that combination. Give birth to an insane future,in that way you can title your history "Legends"

25 August 2011

A Few Of My Frunk_NIB (Lwazi Mthombeni) Fasion Likes

The first one is Lwazi himself... Pretty impressive, He made that Jacket!

South Africa's Next Best Fashion Head

This is my friend Lwazi, I approached him ofcause, I like awkward moment! Very Bold And e also thinks I'm the coolest kid in the block so I wont cry! I think he always looks good in whatever he is wearing and he had no fears in trying out new looks.

The Happy Couple

Dear Dianne and Mpho

Long live lovers, Long Live...

Marasta Maninja

For the first time in ages I have felt no need to go out and be a part of the street madness. Marasta Night is a dancehall and reggae night in Grahamstown and well... it should be known that I am a big fan of the genre but today I don't feel like doing anything... but yeah, I'll dedicate my night and playlist to playing artists like Mavado, Chipmunk, Buju Banton, Naeto C, D-Banj, P-Squared, Sizzla, Bob Marley, Sean Paul, Shaggy, Wycleff, Lauryn Hill and many more...

Winter In Grahamstown....

This guy looks too dope... I couldn't resist, I tracked him down on Khanya Mashalaba's Blog: http://www.candychampagne.blogspot.com