28 September 2011

New Obsession: Jumpsuits

This Spring/Summer, I have this particular look in mind... hitting the gym twice a day from now on so I can look Asian #TopShayela!!!

27 September 2011

LoL for the day...

Lwazi's Artwork

Lwazi is at it again... so he just made my day... I still wanna recover from the level of impression I'm on... HE never seizes to amaze and impress me... I still say, this guys is gonna design and make my wedding outfit lol

Art Treat

What often startles me is the amount of talent South African citizens have. We always seek for external approval on how to perfect what already is. I think Art is on of the the riches that Africa posses, not only in culture but in craft. From music to painting, poetry and handcrafts... Africa is truly blessed...

Here are a couple of my favourite artworks and to my surprise, one of the artists I am still wowed about... (Moagi Seete, Thembi Seete's brother... looking at him based on appearance only? Who would have thought?)

Moagi Seete's oil paint piece

Moagi Seete's Charcoal piece...


Something I'm looking forward to hearing... I only know one of the tracks on my phone, "Dream Big" unfortunately, my phone decided to lose network coverage right before they played mirror so hey... I'm keen to find out whats on offer... I'm a Mzansi artists supporter...


SMOKING AREA MIXTAPE!!!  http://www.mediafire.com/?0muwox9jp2622ay#1 .DOWNLLOAD DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD.

26 September 2011

Venda 101

This is basic Venda, A friend of mine was schooling me so now I can exchange greeting with people from the Venda culture... So i figured I'd share and we all learn something...

Ndi matsheloni - good morning
Ndi masiari - good afternoon
Ndi madekwana - good evening
No/vho vuwa hani?-How are you?
Ndo vuwa zwavhudi - I am well.

09 September 2011

Friday Joke Day

A baby boy was born in a hospital laughing instead of crying.
The more the mid-wives beat him the more he laughed.
The doctor noticed he had something in his hand.
So he pulled the tiny hands apart & discovered he was holding 3 abortion pills.
The baby looks at his mother & says ''NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST ME SHALL PROSPER''. And thus Lil'Johnny was born. Lol! Morning my beloved.

Who said Christians were boring? Lol

08 September 2011

Zahara - Loliwe

This is a beautiful song!

Young Day

That easy feeling when you wake in the morning and you realise that nothing even matters at all....

Sometimes we waste so much time on things that are of no importance to us. They charge at us as if they are a vital aspect of or lives but what they truly are, is a distraction from the original goal of
Pure Peace and Joy
But then again, FOCUS should be the order of our existence.

I spend so much time drifting and thinking about ridiculous things that have no bearing in my life... Its time to self motivate and rejuvenate the inner being with soulful loving and appreciation.

From this day forth, know who you are, where you are going and why you are going there. And if it so happens that you find yourself on the wrong track, take time to ease back into the original race... With wrong turns comes exposure, and exposure blesses you with experience.

Life is too short an long period for us to be worrying about the nothings of this world.
Breathe Easy, Live Freely

Peace & Lovely Things to you all...

05 September 2011

My Secret Fantasy

I want love like this in my life... This guy has almost ALL the features of how I want my child and husband to look. I'm not TATTOO CRAZY but it works well with him. I don't really want my husband to have as many tattoo's though and if he wishes to get a tattoo then hopefully its one of ME or at least be MY NAME???

I want love like this rural looking couple, something about them...

And these 2 are the epitome of my desires... I long to sit with a lover of mine in this manner, shedding a tear, whether joyous or sorrow, but that level of connection takes me somewhere only my dreams can imagine at this point in time... I WANT LOVE LIKE THIS KIND OF LOVE...

01 September 2011

Dear Unconceived Baby

Posted on April 22, 2011 by Nikki

This moves me cause its how I feel and my childs birthday would be today

Dear Unconceived Baby

I long for the time when I find out if my upset tummy is acutally you inside, working on growing. I eagerly anticipate when you will first move within me. Shoot…I even long for the heartburn, swollen ankles, indigestion, and sleepless night. Want to know why I long for those things? It is because along with those I will also experience your movements and feel you grow until you are ready to be welcomed into the world and our family. I am looking forward to when the Dr. tells us that we will be having a little boy or a little girl. I will keep all of our pictures in a scrap book for you to someday look at. I will welcome the time it will take for me to be in labor to bring you from my belly into the world. You see, you will be completely loved and cherished from the time that I know you are within me.

I long for the the times when you keep Daddy and I up becuase your sleep schedule is backwards. We will get through it and know that you are ours to love. When you are teething and up because your gums are swollen and hurting you, I will be there to try to soothe you and ease your pain. That is what Moms are for. I await the time when you are a toddler and have tantrums when things don’t go your way or when we have to tell you “No”. That is just Daddy and I trying to teach you right from wrong and to keep you safe from something that might hurt you. I look forward to those times you see, because along with the tantrums there is also the joy of you discovering the world around you. You will be exploring first with your eyes and as you get bigger on your hands and knees. We will be right there with you encouraging you and making you laugh as you will make us laugh with your giggles. Daddy and I will be there trying to have you take your first step towards us. We know that you will take several trys, but once you make it you won’t be stopped ~ Daddy and I will encourage you to start talking, each of us hoping that your first words will be our names. I know that you will probably say “Dada” first, but that is ok because that means that you are going to starting talking.

I look forward to your first day of school. How my heart will break because you won’t be just mine and Daddy’s anymore. You will start learning and making friends. I am looking forward to your art projects and papers that you are going to be doing for us. They will be proudly displayed on the fridge until I get new ones. Then they will be carefully placed inside of your childhood scrap book.

Shoot I even look forward to the teenage years. I know they will be a rollercoaster, but I am looking forward to being with you as you journey from a child to teenager to adult. I know that our guidance, love and support will help shape what kind of person you will become. The teenage years will be the hardest on you as you are going to be going through so many changes both physically and emotionally. Don’t ever forget that old Mom and Dad are there for you and love you so very much.

Before long you will be an adult and off to college or whatever dreams you have. Dad and I will miss you so much, but have always known that one day you will leave us to continue your journey through life without us right there beside you. Wait a minute…Dad and I WILL be right beside you because we love you and only want the best for you. Even if you are six thousand miles away we will be right there with you. You will always know that no matter what you always have a place at home and with us. Even if you make a mistake. That is a part of life and without mistakes we wouldn’t grow into who we are.

Someday you will find someone that you want to continue your journey through life with and you will be with that person and start a family of your own. Dad and I will be so happy for you because you will be happy. The day will come where you read this letter and finally understand that Mom wasn’t really crazy. She just wanted to meet you and help you in life. Even as you have your own family we will be there with and for you. Life is all about your true family and those who love us and each other.

Finally, my dear unconceived baby, I long for when you know the love and pain of being a parent and how much your world can really change once your help bring life into it.

I love you
