08 September 2011

Young Day

That easy feeling when you wake in the morning and you realise that nothing even matters at all....

Sometimes we waste so much time on things that are of no importance to us. They charge at us as if they are a vital aspect of or lives but what they truly are, is a distraction from the original goal of
Pure Peace and Joy
But then again, FOCUS should be the order of our existence.

I spend so much time drifting and thinking about ridiculous things that have no bearing in my life... Its time to self motivate and rejuvenate the inner being with soulful loving and appreciation.

From this day forth, know who you are, where you are going and why you are going there. And if it so happens that you find yourself on the wrong track, take time to ease back into the original race... With wrong turns comes exposure, and exposure blesses you with experience.

Life is too short an long period for us to be worrying about the nothings of this world.
Breathe Easy, Live Freely

Peace & Lovely Things to you all...

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