06 February 2013

The Break Down

I'm scared I have turned him against his mother.
The selfish act of wanting to be free and freeing everyone who found themselves in a similar situation I found myself in.
Parents don't consider their effects on their children when they make life changing decisions.
What have I done? God what have I done? Did my contributions help or make the situation worse. Sometimes hurt people hurt people, was I too hurt that I extended hurt onto someone else without even noticing.
Its that moment when you don't wanna lose someone and your selfish experience works in its own favour.
I hope I didn't mess anything up...

05 February 2013


I recently discovered Masha... She is FLIPPING AMAZING! I love her voice, its a true flaming husk of amazing!

04 February 2013

I love the way I smell more than the way I look
I spend days on end tucked into boobs, sniffing away at my scent as if it were some form of a drug.
I get up, take a bath, get dressed, take a deep breath and reach into my drawer.
Every single morning without fail, I grin, and rub my lower face onto my chest just above the boob area.
"Jesus was brought the best perfumes for a reason," I tell myself. "Not even God likes smelly people," I proceed to convince myself.
I fell in love with smelling great back in the day when I was self conscious. I thought, if I cant steal their attention with my fabulous personality, my fat booty clearly wasn't going to do the truck, then I might as well let them sniff their way my direction.

"Because... When you smell good, you feel good"

Love Sqaure'angle

Sometimes jealousy just screws with me so bad I end up feeling so resentful towards close friends.
Knowing the guy you are doing is really into your friend really sucks, even though he also know you are more interested in his friend more than you are him. But still stuck between friendship and sex.

Well... Sometimes you find yourself involved in the most craziest scenarios and even though you try to find you way out of that particular situation, friendship parameters hold you down, trapped within barriers of no escape.

For the good that exists out there, stay away from men/women who are interested in being with your friend.