03 May 2013

Death By Communication

I've come to the realisation that things really go south when communication is dire. More than other forms of contact, communication is imperative and the sole responsibility for most successes we com across in this lifetime, whether it be relationships, friendships or workplace related, communication still serves as the most influential factor in "making things work".

Basic Marketing principle emphasises the importance of communications, job applications emphasise the need to find someone that is an exceptional communicator, if not, at least be somewhat good at it.

Well... Lately, when it comes to expressing the way I feel or dealing with individuals that make my heart go klomp klomp klomp, I find it difficult to communicate the way I ACTUALLY feel, as opposed to what I want to feel...

Such is a lesson though, if it affects you, you need to express it... Preferably to the person it applies to.

Remember, No clear communication means we are in a place of disequilibrium...

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