06 March 2011

Out With The Old - In With The New

So strange how society works,
You meet new people and as time goes on, you forget about the old and get with the new...
Then they piss you off, they try to get with you or they simply become boring, then you do what?

I think it’s very distressing, ‘cause all those people you let go off, helped craft you the person you are today but worse part is that you can show nothing for it....
I remember there was a time in my life, when I met a “Greyhound's” load of interesting people and at the end of my trip, when I return home, I could hardly remember their names, let alone their faces...

Is it Technology maybe? yeah... or is it because we don't play “mgusha” anymore, have “street fights” and “cook in tins” anymore, or is this how life is channelled to end? Long lasting relationships are but a fairy dream and memorable moments are made to punish us?

I truly had good times once in a lifetime, with people, for some reason, can remember the joy of the memory but not the image that came with it...

Have you ever woke up in the morning after a fabulous night with your people but for some reason, it just doesn't compare to the memory you shared as a child once? I'm feeling overwhelmed... where did my people go? Does this mean I'm gonna lose the ones I have now? Are my Kumnci’s, Kings and Rhodies gonna be part of yet another memory I once experienced?
I'm starting to fear the future because of its success at a diminishing rate... What happened to the Social Benefit? All the good and finer things in life...?

I realise that after meeting new people, you start to forget the old ones, and no matter how hard you try to keep the connection, the forces of nature, where geography or anatomy, just keeps pulling you back... excessively apart and ending up with no trace of one another...

To all my present mates, I apologies in advance if nature chooses take its cause, but do know that you played a very magnificent part in making me the Dianne I am to become....

this is sad, so I'ma just hold it and hang it right there!!

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