20 November 2011


When years go by, should marriage become easier? Or should the struggles escalate to the power infinity? I mean, in both friendship and relationships, the fighting and bickering is ongoing. So I'm wondering, does the fighting ever end? And how much time should be wasted on these fights? Is fighting the sole reason behind failed marriages?

For someone like me, the idea of marriage scares me in ways unimaginable. My parents never made it to the finish line "till death do us part" but then again, there was no real love in that marriage so I wouldn't wish for them to be separated by death cause probably, one would have killed the other. I don't like talking about my parents but I think their decisions influence my future decisions and the choices I make. Marriage is a big deal, especially in this day and age...

So I ask again, does marriage become easier as the years go by or does it become one of the biggest struggles life has to offer?

Firstly, let me sum-up my idea of marriage... Marriage is a summation of a lifetimes worth of friendship, when you meet your future husband (I think I haven't met mine), I think you'll you know it, because as women, we spend years and years, drafting and erasing and re drafting our dream husbands, so with the prayer mix in there, we are bound to spot him when we see him, problem is, we draft a picture and we don't remember important features like personality, character, values and attitude. And I think that's an important aspect of the picture we shadow away. And its partly the sole reason as to why marriages fail. So, with that said, I won't marry a total stranger, I do have a few years to build friendship, but if not, hopefully I have drafted a clear vision of what I want that God will give me my hearts desires.

I wanna marry a guy that's gonna make the rest of my life easy to live. I wanna go back home and feel like I'm at my place of refuge where nothing evil will get to me. True love is comfort and understanding, where your partner will be there for you even when you go against their beliefs. Its about complementing and compromising, the willingness to take away the Me and replace it with a we.
So if you ask me, I'd say, yes, marriage is a struggle but it shouldn't be your greatest struggle, it should be easy because you aren't fighting new battles, but working on polishing past victories.

I do fear getting married, I could never say I will get married because I haven't seen what comes on the other side, but I don't want to shut those doors because I too, want a lifetime partner that's worth piecing us into one like God had intended marriage to be.

But I will say though, I'll do my research, watch couples, follow their struggles and see how perfect marriages are created.


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