24 January 2013

Good Old Days

I find myself reminiscing about the good old days and how things would work if I kept the same crowd and if I really miss that life or not. Truth of the matter is, as individuals, we never want to forget where we come from, or who we knew before we became who we are.

The progression of life, always takes us back to our origins, some memories filled with sorrow, but generally a happy time, once upon a time. But, do I wanna go back? Maybe not, well, at least most of the time its MAYBE NOT.

When I think about the Chain of Authority and my place in the food chain, not so pleasing. I wasn't much of a push-over, and I don't ever remember allowing anyone to walk all over me, in actual fact, I was usually the one that bullied friends into doing things my way. But lessons learnt have made me value the opinion of others and their choices to go against my will, without actually lying to me.

Come to think, the past is dreadful. The memory of lying friends and pretense and false representation, I'm better off in the present time. I do however appreciate the fact that my day was never empty, I was never without anything to do and the minor but important issue of being sober throughout the process.

Growing up is about appreciating what the past has made you achieve, but its isn't about regrets and guilt about leaving your old friends. Apart from church politics and lies about being who you really are, the past has allowed me to dream, something the present lacks, but we grow to learn and appreciate so I look forward to improving as a new being and correcting where I lack as an individual.


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