13 May 2013

Yesterday Was Mother's Day

Years go by and I often find myself wondering why I’m not so appreciative of my mother’s life like most some children are and if there is anything wrong with me as an individual.
But I’ve come to the realisation that I’m not wired like most “children” or individuals and that I have allowed myself to let go of my mother as the only person I can depend and test my way at survival techniques and see how far I can go without asking my mother for something.

But, why is it that I often feel like I don’t appreciate my mother enough? The answer ranges from a while to a long distant race like answer, which I often have to reflect back on a string of events that have shaped the person I have become along the years.

Truth is I more than appreciate my mother, from things she has done for me to the things that I’ve learnt from her experiences. I’ve become a strong fragile young lady that doesn’t reply on everyday emotions as a means to display daily appreciation.

So yes, different experiences shape us into the people that we are today, and it is through those experiences and memories that I’ve learnt different ways to appreciate my mother without relying on the instructions of the world’s calendar.

Dear Nomvula Cynthia Normans/Hlophe aka Mommy, you are a mother I’d never trade in for/as a friend because you’ve taught me the greater value and treasures that come with motherhood that are often lost through friendship, and I’m somehow grateful that the lines aren’t blurred, and I can walk around courageously chanting praises of what a befitting and phenomenal mother you are.

I often remain quiet, as though troubled by what life has dealt us along the years, but it brings me much pleasure to see your lifelong dreams materialise. I understand it’s not easy to be our parent at times but certain things you can’t control, though they hurt you, but you further realise that you have played your part as a parent, and prepared us to be better people, the choice to become a better person though, is something out of you capabilities, that individuals need to make on their own.

I’m eternally grateful for the fighting spirit you’ve instilled in me throughout the years and if I may repay you, it would be with a life well lived, a life consumed by better decision making, a life of living the dream. Not being wired like my siblings, I tend to do my own thing and that’s fine, it keeps me sane.

I do love you, I can go for a while without informing you, but I do, very much, I doubt there is any other person I love as much as I love you on this earth… I sometimes fear showing you that I love you because life has shown us that the good go first, hahaha, this means you aren’t as good hahahaha, kidding! But I do love you…

Mother’s Day should be on the daily.

07 May 2013

Those Who Suffer

Sometimes being too determined to fix something you didn't break is detrimental to your growth and success. You spend your days stagnantly searching for answers to questions ringing in your head, that most people know not the answers to. Ending up bitter and lacking the understanding you need to move passed that situation and become a better man. What good can be done or what good can come from a bitter heart? Filled with all hatred that landed there solely because someone else thought their decisions only affected them.

Who will save a nation that suffers from the repercussions of their forefathers? Who will bring solutions to problems that came generations before their time? Man is suffering, their needs streamlined and weighed in order of importance. One gets to judge someones suffering based on who suffers the most from what is common. A cry for help, a need to survive. Is there anyone out there to save humanity from self-destruction? We need solutions to problems that don't flow through bloodstreams.

"This time, like all times is a very good one, if we know what to do with it" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

03 May 2013

Death By Communication

I've come to the realisation that things really go south when communication is dire. More than other forms of contact, communication is imperative and the sole responsibility for most successes we com across in this lifetime, whether it be relationships, friendships or workplace related, communication still serves as the most influential factor in "making things work".

Basic Marketing principle emphasises the importance of communications, job applications emphasise the need to find someone that is an exceptional communicator, if not, at least be somewhat good at it.

Well... Lately, when it comes to expressing the way I feel or dealing with individuals that make my heart go klomp klomp klomp, I find it difficult to communicate the way I ACTUALLY feel, as opposed to what I want to feel...

Such is a lesson though, if it affects you, you need to express it... Preferably to the person it applies to.

Remember, No clear communication means we are in a place of disequilibrium...

29 April 2013

The Fault In Our Stars

"What else? she is so beautiful. You don't get tired of looking at her. You never worry if she is smarter than you; You know she is. She is funny without even being mean. I love her. I am so lucky to love her, Van Houten. You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world, old man, but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices. I hope she likes hers."

This is a quote Thuto sent me yesterday **,)

26 April 2013

Contrary to popular belief, we still live in a predominantly male ruled world. Common catch phrases like "its a mans world out there" continue to propagate such underlying factors within our communities.

Granted, I'm only young, still stirring it up and trying to find my fit, my balance, but even at 23, we have greater tales, though, not often referred to as "important", but equally viable as a measurement of male dominance within our society. Not only in the workplace, but the greatest display of male dominance is in relationships. Men like to feel powerful but often take the worst route to exhort their power.

Notably so, men always find the need to be right all the time and dare you defy them or deny them they "birth right" of being right, you are in the pits. We read and hear on the daily, on how young ladies are often seen as "stubborn" or "challenging" as soon as they stand up for what they believe in, often labelled unruly and "nothing like their mothers" often said to be difficult and disrespectful.

Dear ladies, if he doesn't treat you as an equal partner, then he rules over you. And need I mention that "equal" does not mean "the same". Allow a man to play his manly role, but don't allow him to make you feel less important than you actually are.

I've come to the realisation that, in this day and age, more than one guy would be willing to give you the love, care and respect needed to make a relationship work and function sanely without making the other party feel like you have him with his balls.

Love and respect yourself and men will learn to do the same.

Love Sponge

"Da Love Sponge is a person so sweet and charming not to mention magnetic and captivating, that they soak up and attract others, with their enchanting ways... soaking up love like a sponge.. hence.. da love sponge... A favorite pet can also be called a love sponge.. but is mainly used for ravishingly beautiful females."

A ravishing and sweet mannered female.. a companion pet that likes to snuggle down into your lap and be pet and babied.. awwwww.. da loooovvvvvvvvvee sponge!

I finanly got myself someone who loves calling me Love Sponge, as much as I love being called Love Sponge... I've found myself a Jelly Bean, in forms of cuteness... My baby is worth my madness...