27 March 2011

I'm Just Saying

Why is it that guys always want to ask “US” out when “WE” are seeing someone or when “WE” are making plans to be with somebody else?

I feel guys must just get on with it... If you want a girl… or think you are gonna want her… just do it… ask her out in time… I don't know if its automatic or a signal of some sort or maybe if its only me, but guys tend to ask us out when we’re in a relationship... They leave you half of the time when you are single, and go for you when your “vacancies” are closer to the due date, or when the applications are due or have simply passed...

I don't know.. I'm just saying...

Why? Is it maybe because I'm glowing and very happy? Or is it that I suddenly don't seem interested in you anymore? I'm really confused... I would really like it if some guys would set my mind free... Maybe this might make me understand and try avoiding such situations on future...
Its just not fair... I think… to the females that now have to make the decision of who they like the most… Or who is the better option… If yall took turns in asking us out in time… proper timing… we would have no problem being with you all, JOKING… but ja man… TIMING just sucks neh?

Ay I don’t know… i'M JUST SAYING....
Well... I'm married but its advice I can take and pass it on to the needy!!!

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