17 April 2013

Chapter Seventeen

This is my favourite piece from a blog my baby introduced me to, ZuluGirlGoes2Jhb. Although I don't like her style of writing, and that she posts things without proof reading them, I genuinly find myself engaged and buying into her style of writing. Nonetheless, this paragraph speaks to me, I share this particular belief with her, the last sentence in particular...

"I don’t think as a girl you grow into a woman until you have experienced heartbreak and betrayal at the hand of a man. Its as simple as that. Men need us women to make them feel like real men whilst women need men to make them female beautiful and needed hence caregivers. Why were all these thoughts going through my mind though? I was a proud Zulu girl who grew up in a cultured home. I wanted to have a traditional memulo and didn’t even wanna wear a vest like what the fake Zulu girls do today. Nah barebreasted was the way to go I had always felt because I am traditional that way yet here I was breaking the shackles. Its so weird how with all those thoughts I felt an incredible rush in me. I needed to be selfish and not be dependant! When Benny walked into the car he looked so embarrassed and I must say rather small. Remember yesterday before we had shagged he had been this big muscular guy but now stripped off that been there done that swag, he was just another guy. I chuckled at the thought."

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