03 July 2010

Welcome To The Daily Bread for Human Beings

Welcome to the Daily Bread...

As the title speaks for itself, my blog is purely personal; it is basically a blog about my opinion on encounters in this lifetime. Days go by where my thoughts seem wasted and I feel like I don’t say enough to exercise my human right of freedom of speech, the freedom to express myself and what I am feeling as well as thinking on a daily basis.

Days go by and we all find ourselves thinking about life changing thoughts, picturing life changing scenarios but they never come to pass because they remain an unpublished reflection. My blog has no main focus; just me and you exchanging opinions, thoughts, experiences and common emotions.

If my writing doesn’t offend anyone, then it does not serve its function. If my blog doesn’t make someone angry, then I still concur, it is truly not serving its purpose. I want to get you irritated so that you can put on those thinking caps and begin to tackle and challenge your mind as well as those daily events as if we are consuming our daily bread...

For a change, I am going to challenge myself, to use my brain on a daily basis (constantly and its going to be a serious challenge I must say), thinking about profound thoughts or even turning the useless and often disregarded life incidents into something that is worth reading about. I will intern envision an emancipator life and I am going to use the gifts granted to us, that we tend to ignore daily, in such a way that they bring meaning into our lives. All about my attempts to make sense of what each and every day means to me and giving credit where it’s due. This will inspire my own thoughts and I will write what I deem worthy. I hope the pieces that I post will inspire you to write and share more about your lives and daily thoughts.

If you find my posts offensive, profound or simply fun to read, then I know that I have served my purpose... Since I cant speak to the whole world, therefore, I shall write to the whole world. I hope the world can be moved by the sound of my thoughts...


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