06 July 2010

wHatS nEW?

So I'm a size 38 and finding the right look is the bane of my existance, especially when living in Grahamstown where the weather changes 20 million billion times a day. So trying to look good on a cold day is a lot of work... After careful consideration, I was googling the latest (current) trends and all I could see were size 0 models looking as stylish as ever. I, ofcause, being myself got worried on how I'm gonna look like that in the same outfit without looking like a ballon in boots and a long shirt... I'm hoodie and jeans type of a girl, so this dressing up thing is something that I either do right or don't do at all...

With about 21 days not having gone to the gym, I look like a speed bump so I think hitting the gym is my first option... Well as soon as I get me looking cool and good, I will then attempt all those size 0 looks that the girls on those Catalogues are wearing... but for you at home, if you have got your body looking just the way you want it to, then you can try out these current trends... Boots are the in thing... You can practically style them up with anything you wanna style them up with, from my very own favourite, hoodies, jeans and boots, you can go the woolen route, shirt route or even the dress and short skirts with stockings route...

Look good, feel good and and love yourself good!!!

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