15 October 2011


Donovan Mokwape
Atleast here it's private.

Dianne Normans
lol yeah

Donovan Mokwape
Do u have an e-mail address?

Dianne Normans
yes, I do Donna

Donovan Mokwape
I really liked the purple dress. U looked amazing in it!

Dianne Normans
lol thanks... I thought you were too drunk t notice cause the last time you saw me, you couldn't recognise who I was

Donovan Mokwape
U still mad t me? If u r hw cn I make it up to u?

Dianne Normans
hmmm I'm not good at dishing out punishment cause I'm usually the one in trouble

Donovan Mokwape
Like that !

Dianne Normans
yeah, so you can suggest ways of making it up to me and we can take it from there

Donovan Mokwape
So hw abt a date whn u gt here? I'd really love to gt to knw u on another level .

Dianne Normans
lol aren't you spoken for? but then again, no one will be in the wrong if people behave

Donovan Mokwape
seems like u down for the challenge!
Everybody is 1.

Dianne Normans
lol I suppose you are correct, but yeah well... You should hit me up on bbm when I get my finances sorted

Donovan Mokwape
Wouldn't miss that for the world. R u using a contract mobile.

Dianne Normans
no, had to change to prepaid so I have to buy airtime everytime i wanna bbm lol

Donovan Mokwape
What's ur favourite car ?
Favourite meal?

Donovan Mokwape
Lol do u do "sexy lingerie"?

Dianne Normans
I've always been a Ford Mustang type of girl but I do a like Jaguars, but I'm into bigggg cars so I like the cadilac escalade
lol hmmm I'm not big on food, but I like creamy spinich bacon and chicken with bacon rosatto

Donovan Mokwape
Wow! I see u r into tough , rough and classy!

Dianne Normans
I had duck breasts the other week yooooh the best nje

Donovan Mokwape
Creamy spinach my fav aswell.

Dianne Normans
Yeah, thats me, and I'll do Audi s3 and s8 anytime
yeah, cream spinach with mushrooms hmmm
you are making me hungry

Donovan Mokwape
U knw wht u want ne!

Dianne Normans
lol most of the time... yes I can say I know what I want
oh oh and cherolet ss v8, the van and the car hmmm

Donovan Mokwape
Wht makes ur day?
I'd love to put a big smile on ur cute face!

Dianne Normans
those unexpected calls, sms's. gifts, laughs from people you weren't even expecting to come across in ages
lol I'm easily pleased but easy to please

Donovan Mokwape
Am I allowed to pleeeeaase u in everyway possible?

Dianne Normans
I'll never say no to pleasure

Donovan Mokwape
My kind of girl!
So won't ur man b a nuisance?

Dianne Normans
Mpho is a nuisance already, nothing new

Donovan Mokwape
Wht turns u on about a "MUSTANG"

Dianne Normans
Have you seen that beast of a car though... yoh its nothing short of sexy... Engine, body, interior... its a package

Donovan Mokwape
Can I be ur "mustang"

Dianne Normans
hahahaha what do you have to offer hmmm?

Donovan Mokwape
BABY! U r 1 of a kind.

Dianne Normans
Thats how it should be though... cant walk around with too many prototypes hmmm

Donovan Mokwape
Power,sexiness nd the package is great!

Donovan Mokwape
Like that "prototypes" lol

Dianne Normans
lol yeah Dona neh... the beauty of being me...

Donovan Mokwape
U knw whn u rev-count the beast, take that to the bedroom! OMG

Dianne Normans
Yeah, certain beasts need to be sheltered, cant leave them out there

Donovan Mokwape
I cn't wait to meet the Devil in u whn u screaming,losing it nd loving it!

Dianne Normans
Nice play on words, you make me wanna walk around as the devil in me hmmm

Donovan Mokwape
have u had breakfast already?
If not.
Can I bring 1 in bed #romance#

Dianne Normans
*Hi5* for romance *low5* for pity...
I missed breakfast cause I was consumed by your flirt session

Donovan Mokwape
Lol! It depends though..
Wether my spell caught u or..

Dianne Normans
if I'm missing meals then you do the math...

Donovan Mokwape
Hope this is not the last conversation we havinG

Dianne Normans
lol... anything is possible... thats the best/worst thing about life

Donovan Mokwape
Nd u r the best!

Dianne Normans
lol **takes a bow** thank you thank you

Donovan Mokwape
Hopefully we'll live up to wht we have discussed.

Dianne Normans
In a hopeful life, what more can we ask for

Donovan Mokwape
I am looking forward to this!

Dianne Normans
Thats the only way we create reality uyabo?

Donovan Mokwape
Bt u never speak unless spoken to y!
Nd yet u got lot to say!

Dianne Normans
lol its just how I am, I always appreciate being found
instead of looking...

Donovan Mokwape
So have I succeeded in finding u my*#@
Nd making u my ....

Dianne Normans
only time will tell... hide and seek is a lifetimes worth of a game...

Donovan Mokwape
So u enjoy being hunted nd captured! We've got something in common. **games**

Dianne Normans
I could spend all day on this playstation called life, and once you find me, make sure you shoot to kill

Donovan Mokwape
*wonderin* do we have to make rules anyway?
My bazooka will shoot to impress! *wink*

Dianne Normans
Rules keep you from being in jailer kind of trouble and trust me,, nobody wants to get caught!

Donovan Mokwape
Bt u want to be caught.

Dianne Normans
found not caught...

Donovan Mokwape
So wht r ur Rules?
Dianne Normans
you'll know when you touch the electric fence

Donovan Mokwape
Since I'm the chaser this should be on my terms.
How do I get to that fence?

Dianne Normans
when chasers start running their own race, they never reach the finish line

Donovan Mokwape
I thought we were on the same wavelength.

Dianne Normans
lol let me ask, do you go fishing with a gun?

Donovan Mokwape
If I have to "yes"

Dianne Normans
again I'll ask, do you go fishing and the fish jump in and out of the water screaming "we are here, come catch me"?

Donovan Mokwape
They dn't hv to, bt I'll see to it that I catch a big 1!

Dianne Normans
its not about the size lol I hope you catch the right one

Donovan Mokwape
Perseverance of a fisherman. They knw wht they want.

Dianne Normans
I'm glad I'm no fisherman... its seems like its admin

Donovan Mokwape
U knw exactly that u want to be found.
Why can't u be specific?

Dianne Normans
I did say I'm not easily pleased but I'm easy to please...
lol h,,, Dona! you are something else nawe ne?

Donovan Mokwape
Ngani manj? Mina my cards are on the table it's jst u takin long.

Dianne Normans
well thats just me...

Donovan Mokwape
I wanna please u!
Nd cn please u.

Dianne Normans
I have no doubts about your capabilities

Donovan Mokwape
We'll jst hv to c if u cn stand a stallion like Donovan

Dianne Normans
lol hahahahaha most guys that call themselves ama Stallion are usually seehorses

Donovan Mokwape
Hahahahahahaha hw many hv u met?

Dianne Normans
I dont make it a point to introduce myself to many, but word of mouth does the job
no pun intended

Donovan Mokwape
Very sarcastic.
Ohk I won't say nomore until the d-day.
Do u like going out!

Dianne Normans
yeah, I like going out, it balances life

Donovan Mokwape
Outdoors or Malls?

Dianne Normans
I don't like malls unless I'm gonna come out with bags of clothes
Donovan Mokwape
Feminism! I love spending time with some1 challenging bt easy to please.

Dianne Normans
lol yeah, I'll never deny the girl in me... she lives on with my guyish tendencies

Donovan Mokwape
Remember last time we saw each other. Damn baby!
Only if I wasn't going to work...

Dianne Normans
lol yeah you seemed a lil confused there...
lol that day I was feeling myself lol

Donovan Mokwape
Yeah u were stunning! Truth b told

Dianne Normans
thank you thank you... I try

Donovan Mokwape
Do u think money plays a big role in relationships?

Dianne Normans
depends on who you are dating first of all...

Donovan Mokwape
Does it matter who u datin?

Dianne Normans
to me? not so much because I'll never ask for money from a guy I'm dating, I'd rather ask a total stranger

Donovan Mokwape
And depends on wht lady Dianne.

Dianne Normans
but every girl likes to be pampered every now and then

Donovan Mokwape
True that bt u haven't answered my Q though

Dianne Normans
ask again maybe I didnt understand it

Donovan Mokwape
Would date a guy like me nd Y
Would u

Dianne Normans
I don't know but I wont say no, yoh you DRINK yoh!
but you are fun to be around as well
I probably would, I have no reason to say i wouldn't

Donovan Mokwape
Lol! If I had a girl like u then I'd have no worries.
I really enjoyed being with u , jst respected ur cous that's all.

Dianne Normans
lol hmmm not as easy to handle hey lol...
Yeah my cuz is my bodyguarde

Donovan Mokwape
Bt once I gt my hands all over u, automatically u'll behave...lol

Dianne Normans
Oh no, I'm well behaved nje in general.. I just like keeping things simple

Donovan Mokwape
Sophisticated people always say that.
U r **HOT**
Nd u r a lady.

Dianne Normans
lol you are on a role neh?
its how some of us were brought up... self confidence, self control and a sound mind

Donovan Mokwape
Ladies on stiletos nd cn manouvre in them I admire!!!
I ain't on a role baby, jst gatting to knw u!

Dianne Normans
ladies in flats understand gravity and comfort but ladies in stilettos understand balance

Donovan Mokwape
Nd whch category r u?

Dianne Normans
all of the above...

Donovan Mokwape
I must say though, stilettos it's like u were born walkin on them!
Do u think men r being intimidated by successful women?

Dianne Normans
then you should see my mom
lol Yeah, men dont like being challenged cause they like "being in control"

Donovan Mokwape
What about u, dn't u like being in control?

Dianne Normans
I like being in control! I'll always be in conrtol, but sometimes I make sure my partner doesnt notice!

Donovan Mokwape
I love the sexy,classy women wth good morals
Hv u ever cheated before? #

Dianne Normans
lol and then that question always comes up
no, I don't cheat cause I wouldn't want to be cheated on
If I experience temptation I tell the person I'm dating

Donovan Mokwape
So u get intimate.
And hw does he help

Dianne Normans
He doesn't have to help, as long as he knows

Donovan Mokwape
Wht if u cn't resist the temptation my dear.

Dianne Normans
it usually pushes him to up his game or we break up
it has never happened

Donovan Mokwape
This will be the 1st
How good are u at smooching?

Dianne Normans
lol too much confidence is often interpreted as pride
lol cant believe I just said that, lol

Donovan Mokwape
How soft are your lips?

Dianne Normans
okay lets do this, I have to rush to the bank,, (15min walk) to get airtime so I can get back onto the system...
can i freeze you, I'll defrost you when I'm back in acton

Donovan Mokwape
I was raised to never fear to raise my voice nd thoughts.
No problem my angel.

Dianne Normans
coolio hang in there!

Donovan Mokwape
For u will do

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