18 May 2012


Its amazing how the office environment influences our cultural values or poses a challenge in the hierarchy of being on a cultural perspective. What you would refer to an as alder in general life a 180` turn and is rendered irrelevant. The level of respect or what is referred to as respect differs across boarders and when you conjoin a multitude of cultured under the same roof, that's when you realise how different we all actually are.

Sparked by a discussion on Metro Fm last week, I actually started changing the way I communicate with people of different cultural groups. Allocation referral phrases according to people based on their cultural upbringing. You can easily pick up if someone disapproves of the way you refer to them by the way they react when you call them by their first name as opposed to their surname.

Question now remains, will these cultural differences ever be consolidated under the office space? And should it also only be left at the office? Can it be used against you if you are your elders superior?

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