08 May 2012

Friend Zone

Yesterday I had the pleasure of reading theeee most amazing blog post about being stuck in the "FRIENDZONE". First and foremost, what caught my attention was the name of the actual blog... "FriendzoneMondays". The fight against friendzoning!!!

This gem defines friendzoning as follows: "Well the Friendzone occurs when a male tries to initiate a romantic/intimate relationship with a female and involuntarily gets thrown into a realm where an unrequited platonic friendship develops from the female’s side. It is obviously an undesirable situation for the lovelorn male. Once the male has been properly dumped in the Friendzone, they become a complete non-sexual entity. That is, the male is no longer seen a suitable partner but rather as:
I. One of the girls
II. Her ‘brother’
III. That loser that is at her beck and call (i.e. Provides transport to her male “cousins” house, money for emergency weave changes etc.)
IV. An inanimate object like a lamp, stapler, TV etc (take your pick) And just judging from the definition itself, I shrug because I know for a fact that I'm guilty of such and action. I mean, if a guy is will to take "friendship" because "dating" didn't work out or wasn't an option shouldn't be my problem. He also has the option to leave but somehow they never do. So, as a fellow friendzoner and a previous victim of being friendzoned, I stand in support of this FriendZoneMondays campaign to try and stop this pandemic called the friendzone.

*Inspired by http://friendzonemondays.tumblr.com/

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much for reading the blog. I truly do appreciate it! :) @pediboytellem
