09 May 2012


"This was the first really big step toward self-degradation: when I endured all of that pain, literally burning my flesh to have it look like a white man's hair. I had joined that multitude of Negro men and women in America who are brainwashed into believing that the black people are "inferior" and the white people "superior" - that they will even violate and mutilate their God-created bodies to try to look "pretty" by white standards.

Look around today, in every small town and big city, from two-bit catfish and soda-pop joints into the "integrated" lobby of the Waldorf-Astoria, and you'll see conks on black men. And you'll see black women wearing these green and pink and purple and red and platinum-blonde wigs.
They're all more ridiculous than a slapstick comedy. It makes you wonder if the Negro has completely lost his sense of identity, lost touch with himself."

-- Malcolm X
Taken from a Facebook Post By The Reunion Of Black Family World Wide
It is extremely interesting how the definition of race has thinned out through the years and how petty the definition of being "black" has transformed. I only as one question, has the definition of self and self identity boiled down to hair?
Yes I love long silky hair, but as much as I love that, I also live a fresh curly Afro and I also am fond of the bushy hair. What I refuse to do is to stop loving things because they make me left me less black? I refuse to define myself in an ugly, dark and unhealthy colour!
Let not your yearn to fight become your fight! I accept that the democratisation of Nations hasn't surfaced, but that shouldn't stop me from progressing as an individual. I will do my share in trying to progress the "black" nation but I refused to be paralysed by the colour of my skin.
Life is waaaaaaay better than that! If only they could question abuse like they do the transformation of race!

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