27 November 2011

Pure Madness

I am such a nut, it ain't even funny... I love dancing so much that I decided I'd put my Beyonce on and prove that I could also dance in heels... while performing... I RESPECT ALL THE ARTIST THAT DANCE IN HIGH HEELS!!!

Love of my Life

25 November 2011

Sol Phenduka - UHURU

If I were asked to describe God today, I'd play this song...


TimeLess Music

From Lisa Fischer to Sci_T

When we talk about timeless music, we speak about the legendary lyrics that become a part of our daily vocab. Time less music by legends in the music industry that have moved on and you still find people mixing and remix their songs.

One of my upcoming favourite artist Tshepo Dladla (@Sci_T on twitter) has his very own rendition of Lisa Fischer's song "How Can I" and obviously in my very own opinion, I think Sci_T has done this track justice. He manages to make me hate loving this song but I just cant seem to explain this mixed feeling of misplacement. He makes me wanna love a rapper because you kinda understand whats in the heart, but makes me hate dating a rapper or any other form of musician cause its just too much drama and you will be in competition with not only his groupies but also his first love which is music... Who am I to separate a man from his first love?

It is really a deep tack, it totally gets to me everytime I listen to it. He is a phenomenal artist though, and the guys he works with are nothing short of that description. More than anything, the guys that make his beats are beyond the beyond... South Africa has a lot of talent, and we somehow need to make a platform that will expose our artists to the rest of the world.


24 November 2011

LOL???? Haai!

2 Kids were playing. They found a used condom & took it home as a balloon. The kids mother got upset & warned them not to pick up things while playing, when the mother left the one kid said to the other, why was mom so angry that we found a balloon? Thank God we didn't tell her we drank the yogurt that was inside

23 November 2011

These EARS

I have found my own rhythm and my own tempo, I don't groove to music on the same beat as everybody else.

I have redefined my own musical barriers and renamed them as myself.

I have given birth to the seed once planted by our forefathers, thee musical geniuses.

I've been blessed with ears that not only hear sound but transform it into my newly found rhythm.

Dear God, yes I have created my own generation of musical beats and rhythmic tempos, combined with voices singing praises to the most high, in was unimaginable to man!

Yes, I am rescripting what once was and creating what is to come.

I give birth to the future that one will once treasure as the history of greatness,

Stories untold,

Folk for the new school,

Tales told to the future generations,

I've been blessed with equaliser ears that elevate musical values,

I've been blessed with ears that give birth to the new school of tempo, beats and group decrescendo!

I have planted the seed of life, I live music.

Ozwald Boateng

WHAT MORE CAN I SAY REALLY???? If you know me very well, you must know that I am a sucker for mens fashion. And I suppose as a girl, who wouldn't want a man in a suit? This is Ozwald Boateng's (In the red suit) rage of mens suits with the colour block theme. I have never been so fascinated by a designer like this before. Ozwald is an amazing designer and has proven himself by this range of mens suits. WOW!

20 November 2011


When years go by, should marriage become easier? Or should the struggles escalate to the power infinity? I mean, in both friendship and relationships, the fighting and bickering is ongoing. So I'm wondering, does the fighting ever end? And how much time should be wasted on these fights? Is fighting the sole reason behind failed marriages?

For someone like me, the idea of marriage scares me in ways unimaginable. My parents never made it to the finish line "till death do us part" but then again, there was no real love in that marriage so I wouldn't wish for them to be separated by death cause probably, one would have killed the other. I don't like talking about my parents but I think their decisions influence my future decisions and the choices I make. Marriage is a big deal, especially in this day and age...

So I ask again, does marriage become easier as the years go by or does it become one of the biggest struggles life has to offer?

Firstly, let me sum-up my idea of marriage... Marriage is a summation of a lifetimes worth of friendship, when you meet your future husband (I think I haven't met mine), I think you'll you know it, because as women, we spend years and years, drafting and erasing and re drafting our dream husbands, so with the prayer mix in there, we are bound to spot him when we see him, problem is, we draft a picture and we don't remember important features like personality, character, values and attitude. And I think that's an important aspect of the picture we shadow away. And its partly the sole reason as to why marriages fail. So, with that said, I won't marry a total stranger, I do have a few years to build friendship, but if not, hopefully I have drafted a clear vision of what I want that God will give me my hearts desires.

I wanna marry a guy that's gonna make the rest of my life easy to live. I wanna go back home and feel like I'm at my place of refuge where nothing evil will get to me. True love is comfort and understanding, where your partner will be there for you even when you go against their beliefs. Its about complementing and compromising, the willingness to take away the Me and replace it with a we.
So if you ask me, I'd say, yes, marriage is a struggle but it shouldn't be your greatest struggle, it should be easy because you aren't fighting new battles, but working on polishing past victories.

I do fear getting married, I could never say I will get married because I haven't seen what comes on the other side, but I don't want to shut those doors because I too, want a lifetime partner that's worth piecing us into one like God had intended marriage to be.

But I will say though, I'll do my research, watch couples, follow their struggles and see how perfect marriages are created.


16 November 2011


So maybe the Christian walk isn’t so private after all because wherever you go, people are talking about you and they wanna know why you are the way you are. To me it’s more about me than anyone else. Although the bible does warn us about taking care of one another and not being the reason why another brother falls during the walk, I think it’s impossible to walk this kind of a walk by yourself. But honesty, who in this day and age wants to be associated with Christians really? Some Christians don’t even want to be called by that name because of the negative connotations that follow the name “Christians”.
I think the problem with Christians is that they think Christianity is a competition. Constantly at work, trying to prove each other wrong instead of fellowshipping with one another and finding a better path suited for all parties of the body of Christ.
It’s quite sad when Christianity turns into a dictatorship and a battlefield to prove who of the bunch can throw the harshest judgments and who is the weakest one, that will throw in the towel because they couldn’t deal with being a subordinate to a bureaucratic knows it all about God…
God’s intentions with the church are clearly defined. We as Christians just got lost in the individual translations we were presented with by fellow man. Priests running with their own vision instead of writing it down and letting the church run with it… We have turned Gods house into a ramp, to showcase how good and high and mighty we are, we have forgotten to submit to the most High and let His will be done.
So today I ask for forgiveness, not because I’m doing other things but simply because I removed my eyes from the Lord and looked at other people and how they walk their walk of emancipation.
I realize now that just as I stumbled because I wasn’t looking where I was supposed to be looking, many others are watching me during my walk and might stumble and fall because of mistakes that I make, and that’s why it is important to continually make yourself right in the eyes of the Lord, letting his glory shine through you so that he may be made bigger through you.
As one body, the whole body aches when one area of the body is in pain… Let us carry one another’s burdens and love each other like God had intended it to be. And let us not be "Christians" like its a popularity contest or to become dictators of the direction of the walk, but let us strive at all times to be Christ-like and to let him lead us in everything that we do and everywhere we go.

Amen #D-No

15 November 2011

Christian Louboutin

So my birthday is coming up on the 28th of December and I could do with a pair of these, especially these ankle boots, that would do me best nje just... I've been on this shoe craze for a while now, but since I've been spending my time watching The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, all I can think about is glam and nothing else. From the houses they live in, the cars they drive to the dresses and shoes they wear, this is absolutely amazing. Pity their attitude and personalities cant be matched with their taste (Except Kyle and Adriana)

Sneakers 4 Me

Lost for words really. I've always wanted to be a sneaker girl and to get myself a pair of Adidas/Supega's sneakers but hey, I always end up spending my money on my siblings, but yeah, maybe one day when I'm weathy, I'll buy myself a billion pairs. Sneakers all the way. But on the really though, the 2011 range moves me... Wow, and to my current discoveries, I just recently found out that Supra is a Supega 2011 range hmmm... I must really keep up hey?

14 November 2011

Email: King Arthur

Young King Arthur was ambushed and imprisoned by the monarch of a neighboring kingdom. The monarch could have killed him but was moved by Arthur's youth and ideals. So, the monarch offered him his freedom, as long as he could answer a very difficult question. Arthur would have a year to figure out the answer and, if after a year, he still had no answer, he would be put to death.

The question: "What do women really want ? "

Such a question would perplex even the most knowledgeable man, and to young Arthur, it seemed an impossible query. But, since it was better than death, he accepted the monarch's proposition to have an answer by year's end.

He returned to his kingdom and began to poll everyone: the princess, the priests, the wise men and even the court jester. He spoke with everyone, but no one could give him a satisfactory answer.

Many people advised him to consult the old witch, for only she would have the answer..

But the price would be high; as the witch was famous throughout the kingdom for the exorbitant prices she charged.

The last day of the year arrived and Arthur had no choice but to talk to the witch. She agreed to answer the question, but he would have to agree to her price first

The old witch wanted to marry Sir Lancelot, the most noble of the Knights of the Round Table and Arthur's closest friend

Young Arthur was horrified. She was hunchbacked and hideous, had only one tooth, smelled like sewage, made obscene noises, etc. He had never encountered such a repugnant creature in all his life.

He refused to force his friend to marry her and endure such a terrible burden; but Lancelot, learning of the proposal, spoke with Arthur.

He said nothing was too big of a sacrifice compared to Arthur's life and the preservation of the Round Table.

Hence, a wedding was proclaimed and the witch answered Arthur's question thus:

"What a woman really wants ", she answered, "..is to be in charge of her own life."

Everyone in the kingdom instantly knew that the witch had uttered a great truth and that Arthur's life would be spared.

And so it was, the neighboring monarch granted Arthur his freedom and Lancelot and the witch had a wonderful wedding.

The honeymoon hour approached and Lancelot, steeling himself for a horrific experience, entered the bedroom. But, what a sight awaited him... The most beautiful woman he had ever seen lay before him on the bed. The astounded Lancelot asked what had happened.

The beauty replied that since he had been so kind to her when she appeared as a witch, she would henceforth, be her horrible deformed self only half the time and the beautiful maiden the other half.

Which would he prefer ? Beautiful during the day....or night ?

Lancelot pondered the predicament. During the day, a beautiful woman to show off to his friends, but at night, in the privacy of his castle, an old witch ? Or, would he prefer having a hideous witch during the day, but by night, a beautiful woman for him to enjoy wondrous intimate moments ?

What would YOU do ?

What Lancelot chose is below. BUT.....make YOUR choice before you scroll down below. OKAY ?

Noble Lancelot said that he would allow HER to make the choice herself.

Upon hearing this, she announced that she would be beautiful all the time because he had respected her enough to let her be in charge of her own life.

Now....what is the moral to this story ?

Scroll down

The moral is....
If you don't let a woman have her own way....
Things are going to get ugly .

10 November 2011

Chloe and Halle

These girls are a blessing, Oh My God... I want kids that will sing like these... I'm lost for words wow!

08 November 2011

Correxions Crew

These guys really rock my boogy. I think God uunderstands the one thing I've always loved is dancing.When I was young my family used to make me dance for them during family gatherings and everyone knew never to mess with my skill. I inspired a lot of my cousins that started dancing professionally cause I had out-danced then during a dance off... those were the days.... But I'm glad I get to meet up with newly found friends who share common interests with me like Itumeleng (guy dancing in the middle)... shame he is sweet, funny, CRAZY more than anything but hella funny guy.
#SideAnalysis: When Itu Laugh, he stares you in the eye so you can see his intensity lol... Its the funniest thing ever I tell you, I laugh every time I think about it or everytime I see a "lol" accompanying his facebook comments...

But yeah... Correxions Crew do it for me, they'd take me along when they go on dance tours hmmm... *day dreamer*

07 November 2011


Dance Therapy

lol I'm at it again, dancing like a silly person... I think if the Correxions Crew saw this, they'd want me in their crew cause I'm convinced my boobs and body mass aren't a factor. Dancing makes me happy... Therapeutic if you ask me... If U were a shrink I'd recommend dancing as a form of stress reliever. And for those who wanna lose weight, dancing burns those calories and Cardio tones your body... give it a try, after 3 months of straight dancing, watch that 6pack form LOL...

Clapping My Ears

Okay okay kids... This is what I've been listening to for the past few weeks. Mzansi for life... very impressive If you ask me, I like the direction South African Music (Hip hop in particular). Granted, most of these tracks are party bangers but then again, the lyrical content complements the beat... Listen with your entire being, you might start to hear things others have never heard before.

Pictures: 2LeeStark; The Wrap Family; Masego from The Beatas

WRAP – Big Black Duder
WRAP – Motivation
WRAP – Big Dreams
2LeeStark - All We Do Is Party
Beataz - Bangazodlala
Swati King - Hlokoloza Remix
NEO BEATS – Keeper
Gemini the Tumour - Hussle Till I fall
Jay Static Noise - Hands on your knees

Among other new songs, these remain on my playlist. I like the turn Mzansi boys are taking, at least if not for the love of it then for the "money, cars and the hoe's"

06 November 2011

New Beginnings??? Lets...

So after a week of madness, I finally came to my senses and put my feelings on a piece of paper (code word for text message)... I realised that I was fighting a two man battle by myself and that certain answers wont come from my brain like they usually do. Its a new day and I'm feeling free. I mean, with the exception of missing that one person that broke my heart, sometimes letting go is all you need to piece yourself back together again. hmmm... Poor Humpty Dumpty, if only he knew this after he had his great fall, he would have put himself back together again.

I've grown to understand myself a bit more and how I function in general. I love myself more now. But most of all, I've realised that I can only control myself and can only react to other people's actions towards myself... I wont stop loving, neither will I stop living... New beginnings come like mornings... So this is my fresh start.

Nthabi (My G-Mo) was amazing throughout this whole week, and to her, I owe a lifetimes worth of love and appreciation. Sometimes you don't know that you have true friends until everything goes wrong and one person remains constant throughout the whole situation. I love my Lolo, hopefully she knows how much I value her existence in my life.

Lessons learnt, I'll treasure with me till I meet another heartache again.
hmmm... I guess there really is a first time for everything.
