06 November 2011

New Beginnings??? Lets...

So after a week of madness, I finally came to my senses and put my feelings on a piece of paper (code word for text message)... I realised that I was fighting a two man battle by myself and that certain answers wont come from my brain like they usually do. Its a new day and I'm feeling free. I mean, with the exception of missing that one person that broke my heart, sometimes letting go is all you need to piece yourself back together again. hmmm... Poor Humpty Dumpty, if only he knew this after he had his great fall, he would have put himself back together again.

I've grown to understand myself a bit more and how I function in general. I love myself more now. But most of all, I've realised that I can only control myself and can only react to other people's actions towards myself... I wont stop loving, neither will I stop living... New beginnings come like mornings... So this is my fresh start.

Nthabi (My G-Mo) was amazing throughout this whole week, and to her, I owe a lifetimes worth of love and appreciation. Sometimes you don't know that you have true friends until everything goes wrong and one person remains constant throughout the whole situation. I love my Lolo, hopefully she knows how much I value her existence in my life.

Lessons learnt, I'll treasure with me till I meet another heartache again.
hmmm... I guess there really is a first time for everything.


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