16 November 2011


So maybe the Christian walk isn’t so private after all because wherever you go, people are talking about you and they wanna know why you are the way you are. To me it’s more about me than anyone else. Although the bible does warn us about taking care of one another and not being the reason why another brother falls during the walk, I think it’s impossible to walk this kind of a walk by yourself. But honesty, who in this day and age wants to be associated with Christians really? Some Christians don’t even want to be called by that name because of the negative connotations that follow the name “Christians”.
I think the problem with Christians is that they think Christianity is a competition. Constantly at work, trying to prove each other wrong instead of fellowshipping with one another and finding a better path suited for all parties of the body of Christ.
It’s quite sad when Christianity turns into a dictatorship and a battlefield to prove who of the bunch can throw the harshest judgments and who is the weakest one, that will throw in the towel because they couldn’t deal with being a subordinate to a bureaucratic knows it all about God…
God’s intentions with the church are clearly defined. We as Christians just got lost in the individual translations we were presented with by fellow man. Priests running with their own vision instead of writing it down and letting the church run with it… We have turned Gods house into a ramp, to showcase how good and high and mighty we are, we have forgotten to submit to the most High and let His will be done.
So today I ask for forgiveness, not because I’m doing other things but simply because I removed my eyes from the Lord and looked at other people and how they walk their walk of emancipation.
I realize now that just as I stumbled because I wasn’t looking where I was supposed to be looking, many others are watching me during my walk and might stumble and fall because of mistakes that I make, and that’s why it is important to continually make yourself right in the eyes of the Lord, letting his glory shine through you so that he may be made bigger through you.
As one body, the whole body aches when one area of the body is in pain… Let us carry one another’s burdens and love each other like God had intended it to be. And let us not be "Christians" like its a popularity contest or to become dictators of the direction of the walk, but let us strive at all times to be Christ-like and to let him lead us in everything that we do and everywhere we go.

Amen #D-No

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