31 December 2010

My 21st Birthday

I decided to be the Queen of my life and we can all see it... I thank my mother for her efforts though... Pimping me up in a dress and cake and my friends coming to share my day with me was all good. God bless that soul!

28 December 2010

When I write

When I write I can feel my whole world shake cause I put my heart on a piece of paper...
Every heartbeat is a rhythmic pump, a soulful thump, a measureless jump...
When I address my current situation, I feel like I'm falling deeper and deeper
In this hole I'm digging myself a directionless future
Every heartbeat is like an earthquake, cracking my soul into rout-less apertures

When I write I feel the paper bleed, a silent creed, so easy to mislead, because all I can do is plead
My heart acts like fire works, celebrating the beginning of greatness
Singing the chorus of the emancipated
Disputing the thoughts of the forsaken
Creating a life of soundless breathes taken
And probably hour less minutes that will forever be mistaken
For something as simple but daunting as a heart broken

When I put this black ink on my pure notepad, I mark a series of my life unspoken
But yes of course its written
Never to be forgotten
Memories shared and so many sad and unforgiving
in this bitter life I dry up yet humbly I am soften
By the fabric of the Most High, who gave his only begotten

Today I grow because when I write I get an authentic glow
Something not easy to blow
But forever I write cause in me, its my moral right
To share with you, what happens if I might
Decide to recite

I write because my heartbeat vibrates the pulse of success...

I write what I write

PS: Don’t try to understand cause I don't..

11 November 2010

This Is My Recent Craze..

Happy Birthday Lethukuthula Zimu

This is one of my best friends and he is turning 21 today so I would like to wish him all the best in life and I pray God blesses him in was unimaginable to mankind and that he can feel Gods grace cover his life on all ends... I love you very much Lethu, I love you very much my friend and I hope you had a day to remember!


This is me looking too phly... I love it when my beauty manifests itself in ways unimaginable...

Long Time Coming

Wow... Its been a while since I blogged, life is just too complicated. Actually, thats a lie because if I can make time for all the other things I do, mainly sleeping, then You best believe that I can make time for my blog! Oh well... I miss this place hey... Well soon we will see whats the wait about. I've been on some other musical tip, from the group I sing for to the music I play on the regular... I really have grow hey but thats for some other time...

I have decided to make this a personal blog and I'll just write! But mostly, I'm going to promote Mzansi artist..

Oh Well.. feels good being home... hope the stay is real...

16 August 2010

Times Are Hard

Walls are actually closing in and I feel like I have no way out... School is such a drag and I just feel, I need to be home in order to survive certain situations that I come across, feel the love of the people who love and appreciate me and just to get out of this competitive world.

I guess sometimes one needs to rent and rave in in order for things to get well.

I miss my mommy and my bed that has finally returned to me! I thank God for the people at home!

31 July 2010


There is nothing better in life than the feeling of mutual understanding and love that you get even though you are in no position to receive. Friendship is the deepest love shared without knowing.

I value my friends very much, not because they are there when days are dark, but because being myself is extra special when I am with them. Take Noma for instance, I can tell her anything, but no matter how judged I feel, it doesn't stop me from telling her again. Its called being able to be without care.

Thuli on the other hand is a breed of her own. She is something else. She is the emotional one of the bunch. She is able to feel and you see her feelings through her eyes. Its being able to cry for a friend who is being strong.

Nomfundo, blood sister but a true friend nonetheless. I hated her for bulk of my life, she was my worst enemy. I cant stand her but I love her more than anyone. She is always there for me and shares experiences with me. We have been through a lot to get to where we are right now. Its more of a love-hate relationship. She is a true best friend that I didn't have to impress to have. She is a hard nut to crack, and always stands up for me when I am wrong. I don't even know how many bullets she has taken for me. Its called being able to stand with no legs and feet.

Then we get to Jack, I only met Jack in December of 2008 but I feel like he has been a part of my life since I was born. I have never met the guy version of myself, but the soft part of me. Well... He happens to be the soft male version of me. I love this guy, he is simply the best. I have no words to describe him but its called being able to live in someone Else's soul.

King has been my punching bag for the life of me. He is my slipper. I am able to walk all over him but i still depend on him for comfort. I value you his presence more than I value my feet sometimes. I have undying love for him. He loves me in silence... I have found the guy who will love me as I am. I thank God for him in my life. Its called finding the right slipper, my perfect fit...

I love my friends. They make me happy in my system. I come up with new description of my feelings when dealing with such people in my life. Friendships are really important, especially when they are built on a firm foundation. God does truly give you your hearts desires...

Moral of this thought is simple, value, love and experience your friend so that you know how it feels to have unlimited love.

Jason Mraz

If you want music that moves you faster than your feet... Jason Mraz is the guy for you!

I love Jason Mraz... The first time I heard him was an advert on TV playing "I'm Yours". I used to sing that song, or at least the chorus of the song. I couldn't believe that that was a real song. I just thought its a jingle they made for the advert... I really thought jingle composers are deep. Until a friend of mine shed some light. Then I met Jason and in his absence, he met my heart and soul.

Talent is such an underrated expression. I want to find a new word that will describe what he has. I cant believe someone can write a song that when you listen to it, all you can say is "This is the type of song I would have written". He manages to capture my thoughts and feelings at once and makes a masterpiece out of it.

Music is made to heal, Jason has changed my mentality... Music to me, is made to live. We live our everyday and every experience through music. I too will say I lived during the times of Jason Mraz. What a fantastic musician. Him and his instrument just bless me beyond repair.

So again, I urge you, Jason Mraz is the artist of this lifetime... Indulge and overindulge in his music, peaceful living and experience your soul move!

29 July 2010

They are Group called The Soil...

When I'm feeling a bit down, this is the group I listen to because they just manage to upgrade that mood of mine. I think they are South Africa's next best thing and they could make it big time in the states because they are a whole new breed in the music industry. A group of 3 guys and a girl(absent in the video) and their 5th member being God, inspire me to do what I like and to do it to the greatest of my ability. Performing a Song called I'm Lonely...

22 July 2010


>From a Limpopo High School , grammar teacher: "The girl goes to school, goesn't she?

>From Brits, somewhere in Rabokala High School teacher: "Both of you three come here!"

An irritated Mamelodi primary School teacher to a student: "Tomorrow I want you to come with your father, your mother and both your parents!"

On seeing twins enter his office, the deputy principal at a certain informal settlement S.S.S.S (Serious Senior Secondary School) at Marbelhall said:" You look together; are you twice

Notice at a store in Mothutlung:"Open seven days a week and weekends"

Sipho admonishing two boys who were arguing: “Don’t speak so twice together, man, Speak once upon a time!”

17 July 2010

Taking a trip down memory lane

There is nothing as rejuvenating as listening to old school music, jams that you played when you were a child, singing along as if you had the best voice in since Celine Dion.

Being a child must seriously be the best phase of life. I'm South African so i played track like "Jaiva yoyo" by Doc Shebeleza, "ses'fikile" by Adilah, "Shaka Boom" by Boom Shaka, "Puff n Pass" by Brown Dash...

This is the first time my soul danced before for the song even started... Its just amazing how many good memories come rushing into ones head as soon a track starts playing.

I love being a kid, and wish I could have stayed in that phase for longer...

13 July 2010

Mitch Fatel is insanely thee funniest guy right now!!!

The funniest!!! Willie Barcena

Wanna Be loved...

I'm listening to my favour love song and it kinda defines the man I wanna end up with... Its just amazing that someone out there shares the same views with me. Now I'm just waiting for one that will describe physical appearance and personality... l0l

12 July 2010

Influenza ne Fever

Stuck in bed? Sore head? Cant breathe? Blocked nose? No taste buds are working? its definitely got to be this demonic sickness that has got me stuck in bed for the longest time.

Its just funny how it doesn't discriminate against gender, race or class... Kinda reminds me of HIV&Aids.

To everyone who is caught sneezing and sniffing throughout this winter, I hope you recover very soon",}

10 July 2010

Mind Marathon..

Our daily thoughts can sometimes go unnoticed because it is that easy to forget life changing thoughts that we have on a regular basis. Many inspirational thoughts come to mind habitually but get disregarded because it is those intimate thoughts and conversations that we have with ourselves that force us to evaluate every aspect of our existence.

Life and death occur continually in our lives but still as human beings, we find it hard to deal with the passing of a special person or we find ourselves celebrating the birth of a new soul onto this earth. But these are experiences shared almost everyday of our lives if not every moment of our existence. Day in and day out, we lose a part of ourselves due to someone hurting unbearably. We experience a death of the inner being when we fail to be ourselves or when we judge ourselves.

We experience life every time someone compliments us or when we are told that we are beautiful. Our spirits rise up from the dead when we come across fellow beings that are proud of us and when you find someone who loves you as you are and feels you need not change for them to accept you.

A feeling of Ecstasy rushes through our minds and we feel inspired to become better than what we are currently or give more of ourselves than our usual share. Life is what we experience when we have found joy, and confidence to be who we want to be. Joy and life is a place where you remain yourself even though the situations deems otherwise.

Our thoughts are truly dear to us and should be cherished, no matter how crazy or creative they can get. They keep us alive and for as long as your mind is part of the race then you know that you are still alive. The end of the race signals the end of thoughts and when the marathon is over, the inner being dies and needs to be resurrected through the rebirth of a simple thought.

All The Good Guys...

Why is it that all the good guys are taken by girls that seem like they aren't worth it. I mean, it's either hey have kids or they are just not available. I mean. nobody wants to be a step mother at such a young age and I'd like to think that as young as I am, I would like a baggage free guy.

Come on guys, why cant you be a good judge of character? Why couldn't you tell that she isn't the one for you. Why is it that, you couldn't wait for the right lady to come and sweep you off your feet? Why cant guys just chill and relax till things fall into place or till you fall in love?

Maybe its love at first sight of the lust just takes over and it ends up as being lust at first. Oh well, I guess if there is someone for everyone out there, then clearly you have found your one. Guess as a girl, the guy is not for you and thus making him good but not good enough for you...


I cant believe I'm blogging about blogging. Its been a while since I got back into this blogging game, I started blogging in my first year at university. We were forced to man a blog as a team in JMS1. I hated blogging then because they wanted hard edited journalistic pieces and at times I felt like writing what I like.

Sometimes I just wanna blog about blogging, like I am right now, but the fact that our blogs were monitored kind of turned me off this whole blogging thing. We were told that a great blogger is the one that keeps in touch with the current news, gossip and all that jazz, but I have never been interested in celebrity lifestyles and being a groupie, but I now realise that its not about acting like a groupie but its about knowing whats going on around you, ponder upon that thought and then make up your mind about what you are going to take with you and what lessons you choose to learn from others experiences.

I made a decision to keep up with the current news, current fashion but following celeb gossip is still my biggest obstacle. So hopefully, y'all can keep me up to date with the whose who and the whats what of this world.

09 July 2010


Mo-Swagg... Love of this life

Everyday I am reminded how blessed I am. God has really blessed me with Moledi wa nete... translated as a true caregiver. I love Jack too much and he knows it. I have never met someone as dynamic and thoughtful as he is. Out of all the friends that I have, I feel he is the only one that understands me thoroughly. He goes out of his way to make sure that I am well taken care of. Its true, money cant buy you personality. Yes, it can get you a lot of things, but it wont buy you a genuine true friend. I have found companionship in this guy and I just pray God blesses him beyond human measure. I think that one day he will make some lady thee most happiest most joyful lady. I thank God for bringing you in my life and I wish him all the best.

I have never met a person and they like you at first sight, or you just click nje at first encounter. Jacks mom aught to be proud of what she has given birth to. I just hope he realises that there are some of us who look up to him as the ideal guy that every girl should have in their lives, whether it be as a friend, a lover or a brother. I really am grateful and will forever show gratitude for being who you are.

I love you very much hun and you know i do!

08 July 2010

Gym and Crazy People

I'm at work right now and oh ja... I do work at the gym and this guy just keeps making a pass at me every time I come for my shifts... Gosh like seriously??? He walks around, he isn't that defined yet... well not at all actually cause he has a belly bigger than mine so ja... He walks around the gym with his top rolled up and gives me sny looks. I cant help but laugh at him, I think I just wanna tell him he doesn't need to try that hard cause he doesn't have a bad face at all...

Its amazing what some people will go through just to be seen. I like it when people are just themselves, I think I'm that kind of a girl who would take you as you are are and for what you are. I admire self confidence but let it not mess up who you really are!!!

So feel free to be who you want to be, no one can tell you otherwise when you are just being yourself!!!

07 July 2010

Ugandan Flag

Can Ugandan people just stick to a simple flag... its like they are fighting to become like Germany... Gosh, give us a break Uganda... The simpler, the better... l0l.. I hope this pisses you off Washington!!! This hating is clearly for you!!!

Sky High

Its amazing how we all talk about wanting to be at the top... It really takes a lot of guts to get up there and the fear of coming down is beyond human measure. Picture life as climb, and the only equipment you are given is a rope and a ladder... You need to teach yourself how to balance, how to keep your cool and most of all, you need to figure out for yourself how you are going to get to the top. We've all been given a chance to get to the top, it may not be under the same circumstances but we have a brain... You just need to use it to find a way to get to the top. The trip to the top may range from being easy to virtually impossible... But once at the top, maintaining your high can become a problem. People love being at the top but fear the way back to the bottom... I guess thats just how life is. But if everyone was ruled and controlled by fear, no one would have know there is something like being at the top...

Ah t00 fAst t00 FasT... tHEy FeLl iNL0vE...


While watching watch swop this morning, I was so confused about how people can get confused about living a happy problem free life with being dirty while some confuse joy for plastic livivng. I think dirty people have a good recipe on how to stay happy in life but the interpretation of it is rather Unhygienic. If you wanna have joy... You need God for that, no question. Let us not forget that happiness is temporary but joy is everlasting... So ja, if you wanna be happy then you need to just not give a damn about what people have to say about you. True happiness is the loss of self consciousness and the adoption of a free spirit...

06 July 2010

My New Favourite group: The Soil

The Soil... performing Akandi Funi... Audio is bad but they are fantastic...Their stage presence is beyond expectations... I personally have never met a group of guys that just sing their hearts out... I believe they can take South Africa far...

Boot looks

wHatS nEW?

So I'm a size 38 and finding the right look is the bane of my existance, especially when living in Grahamstown where the weather changes 20 million billion times a day. So trying to look good on a cold day is a lot of work... After careful consideration, I was googling the latest (current) trends and all I could see were size 0 models looking as stylish as ever. I, ofcause, being myself got worried on how I'm gonna look like that in the same outfit without looking like a ballon in boots and a long shirt... I'm hoodie and jeans type of a girl, so this dressing up thing is something that I either do right or don't do at all...

With about 21 days not having gone to the gym, I look like a speed bump so I think hitting the gym is my first option... Well as soon as I get me looking cool and good, I will then attempt all those size 0 looks that the girls on those Catalogues are wearing... but for you at home, if you have got your body looking just the way you want it to, then you can try out these current trends... Boots are the in thing... You can practically style them up with anything you wanna style them up with, from my very own favourite, hoodies, jeans and boots, you can go the woolen route, shirt route or even the dress and short skirts with stockings route...

Look good, feel good and and love yourself good!!!

03 July 2010

Welcome To The Daily Bread for Human Beings

Welcome to the Daily Bread...

As the title speaks for itself, my blog is purely personal; it is basically a blog about my opinion on encounters in this lifetime. Days go by where my thoughts seem wasted and I feel like I don’t say enough to exercise my human right of freedom of speech, the freedom to express myself and what I am feeling as well as thinking on a daily basis.

Days go by and we all find ourselves thinking about life changing thoughts, picturing life changing scenarios but they never come to pass because they remain an unpublished reflection. My blog has no main focus; just me and you exchanging opinions, thoughts, experiences and common emotions.

If my writing doesn’t offend anyone, then it does not serve its function. If my blog doesn’t make someone angry, then I still concur, it is truly not serving its purpose. I want to get you irritated so that you can put on those thinking caps and begin to tackle and challenge your mind as well as those daily events as if we are consuming our daily bread...

For a change, I am going to challenge myself, to use my brain on a daily basis (constantly and its going to be a serious challenge I must say), thinking about profound thoughts or even turning the useless and often disregarded life incidents into something that is worth reading about. I will intern envision an emancipator life and I am going to use the gifts granted to us, that we tend to ignore daily, in such a way that they bring meaning into our lives. All about my attempts to make sense of what each and every day means to me and giving credit where it’s due. This will inspire my own thoughts and I will write what I deem worthy. I hope the pieces that I post will inspire you to write and share more about your lives and daily thoughts.

If you find my posts offensive, profound or simply fun to read, then I know that I have served my purpose... Since I cant speak to the whole world, therefore, I shall write to the whole world. I hope the world can be moved by the sound of my thoughts...
