31 July 2010


There is nothing better in life than the feeling of mutual understanding and love that you get even though you are in no position to receive. Friendship is the deepest love shared without knowing.

I value my friends very much, not because they are there when days are dark, but because being myself is extra special when I am with them. Take Noma for instance, I can tell her anything, but no matter how judged I feel, it doesn't stop me from telling her again. Its called being able to be without care.

Thuli on the other hand is a breed of her own. She is something else. She is the emotional one of the bunch. She is able to feel and you see her feelings through her eyes. Its being able to cry for a friend who is being strong.

Nomfundo, blood sister but a true friend nonetheless. I hated her for bulk of my life, she was my worst enemy. I cant stand her but I love her more than anyone. She is always there for me and shares experiences with me. We have been through a lot to get to where we are right now. Its more of a love-hate relationship. She is a true best friend that I didn't have to impress to have. She is a hard nut to crack, and always stands up for me when I am wrong. I don't even know how many bullets she has taken for me. Its called being able to stand with no legs and feet.

Then we get to Jack, I only met Jack in December of 2008 but I feel like he has been a part of my life since I was born. I have never met the guy version of myself, but the soft part of me. Well... He happens to be the soft male version of me. I love this guy, he is simply the best. I have no words to describe him but its called being able to live in someone Else's soul.

King has been my punching bag for the life of me. He is my slipper. I am able to walk all over him but i still depend on him for comfort. I value you his presence more than I value my feet sometimes. I have undying love for him. He loves me in silence... I have found the guy who will love me as I am. I thank God for him in my life. Its called finding the right slipper, my perfect fit...

I love my friends. They make me happy in my system. I come up with new description of my feelings when dealing with such people in my life. Friendships are really important, especially when they are built on a firm foundation. God does truly give you your hearts desires...

Moral of this thought is simple, value, love and experience your friend so that you know how it feels to have unlimited love.

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