07 July 2010

Sky High

Its amazing how we all talk about wanting to be at the top... It really takes a lot of guts to get up there and the fear of coming down is beyond human measure. Picture life as climb, and the only equipment you are given is a rope and a ladder... You need to teach yourself how to balance, how to keep your cool and most of all, you need to figure out for yourself how you are going to get to the top. We've all been given a chance to get to the top, it may not be under the same circumstances but we have a brain... You just need to use it to find a way to get to the top. The trip to the top may range from being easy to virtually impossible... But once at the top, maintaining your high can become a problem. People love being at the top but fear the way back to the bottom... I guess thats just how life is. But if everyone was ruled and controlled by fear, no one would have know there is something like being at the top...

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