08 July 2010

Gym and Crazy People

I'm at work right now and oh ja... I do work at the gym and this guy just keeps making a pass at me every time I come for my shifts... Gosh like seriously??? He walks around, he isn't that defined yet... well not at all actually cause he has a belly bigger than mine so ja... He walks around the gym with his top rolled up and gives me sny looks. I cant help but laugh at him, I think I just wanna tell him he doesn't need to try that hard cause he doesn't have a bad face at all...

Its amazing what some people will go through just to be seen. I like it when people are just themselves, I think I'm that kind of a girl who would take you as you are are and for what you are. I admire self confidence but let it not mess up who you really are!!!

So feel free to be who you want to be, no one can tell you otherwise when you are just being yourself!!!

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