10 July 2010

Mind Marathon..

Our daily thoughts can sometimes go unnoticed because it is that easy to forget life changing thoughts that we have on a regular basis. Many inspirational thoughts come to mind habitually but get disregarded because it is those intimate thoughts and conversations that we have with ourselves that force us to evaluate every aspect of our existence.

Life and death occur continually in our lives but still as human beings, we find it hard to deal with the passing of a special person or we find ourselves celebrating the birth of a new soul onto this earth. But these are experiences shared almost everyday of our lives if not every moment of our existence. Day in and day out, we lose a part of ourselves due to someone hurting unbearably. We experience a death of the inner being when we fail to be ourselves or when we judge ourselves.

We experience life every time someone compliments us or when we are told that we are beautiful. Our spirits rise up from the dead when we come across fellow beings that are proud of us and when you find someone who loves you as you are and feels you need not change for them to accept you.

A feeling of Ecstasy rushes through our minds and we feel inspired to become better than what we are currently or give more of ourselves than our usual share. Life is what we experience when we have found joy, and confidence to be who we want to be. Joy and life is a place where you remain yourself even though the situations deems otherwise.

Our thoughts are truly dear to us and should be cherished, no matter how crazy or creative they can get. They keep us alive and for as long as your mind is part of the race then you know that you are still alive. The end of the race signals the end of thoughts and when the marathon is over, the inner being dies and needs to be resurrected through the rebirth of a simple thought.

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