25 October 2011

Learn Of Me

When it all goes wrong and I cant think of words to speak, this song comes up in my head and I just read through the lyrics and I remembered who God is in my life...

Learn of Me
Janice Kapp Perry

I walk today along the path of life.
No more a child protected from the strife.
Now I must face whatever foes may comes
And fight with strength until the battle's one.

I trembling fear the task is far to great,
On every side the Tempter lies in wait.
What can I do? I plead to Him above,
Then hear Him speak these gentle words of love:

Learn of me and listen to my words,
Walk in the meekness of my light
And I will give you peace,
My love will never cease,
For I am Jesus Christ.

When I was yet a child so clean and pure,
I doubted not and knew God's love was sure.
I knew He lived for every bird and tree,
By breath and leaf, were witnesses to me.

But now the world would fill my mind with doubt,
And so my soul, in search of truth cries out.
How may I know? I plead to Him above
Then I recall these gentle words of love:

Learn of me and listen to my words,
Walk in the meekness of my light
And I will give you peace,
My love will never cease,
For I am Jesus Christ.

My life is blessed to have His sacred word,
To feel His love and know my prayers are heard.
With in my soul his light has found a place,
It leads the way as I receive His grace.

The peace I feel, my joy in sacred things,
Surpasses all the world could ever bring.
With humble heart I take a valiant stand.
I will obey this gentle sweet command:

Learn of me and listen to my words,
Walk in the meekness of my light
And I shall give you peace,
My love will never cease,
For I am Jesus Christ.

24 October 2011

Vock Ya Sole

Tshepo Mohoto aka VOCK YA SOLE

If there were enough words in the world of vocabulary to describe this guys level of crazy, I'd have them all summed up. Quite frankly, I've never met such a type of a perplexed individual, with thoughts and reactions so complex, I struggle to comprehend. But for some odd reason, He complements my kind of crazy. This Friendship of ours is on STEROIDS! Its been the best 3months + many weeks of 2011 because of this OWL of a creature! From morning chats to late night voice noting, Vock remains the crazy I'd like to keep in contact with for a lifetime and a bit. He reminds me of Samza aka Lele, another art piece of madness that I wont discuss cause I'll never stop! I'd need a miracle to put those words into formation nje so NO! What matters is that they share a link only I can see...

He has some extreme brain-work talent that gets him into the craziest state of mind that forces reactions out of me. I will say that he thinks that he is shy, which is probably true, just that in my presence, everyone does seem like a shy being cause I talk too much. He does challenge me to be better than I am though, He even got me on that bible reading steez! He has these pics that he takes that he likes to embody a CHRIST-LIKE human person that exists in him. But nothing beats this "God is Love" one.

Apart from all the crazy, music (Thomas Karooz ft Vock Ya Sole Life[Karabo] and Third World ft Vock Ya Sole Jammin' "They Produce... He Mixes... I Perform...")) and talent, Vock is very good looking! No No I mean, Vock is a look and a half, he has his own features that the ladies cant resist. I laugh everytime he thinks he looks older than he actually is cause really, with growth comes a matured charm so, yeah, I recommend him to all the ladies out there who want some Mohoto loving. But more than anything else, I'm very glad Vock isn't just a "PRETTY FACE", or just a simple, HANDSOME Guy, his mind is the true definition of "Gods Likeness"! I wont lie, he is a very challenging being. He reminds me of my daily Christian struggles: like every Christian walk, he can have you questioning why you are doing what you do while drawing you closer to the beauty of being a child of the Most High God. I mean, from someone who comes alive at night? made by a God that never sleeps, what more can I say? I can name countless occasions where I've wanted to co-habitat with his brain in that head of his, NEVER MIND THE BODY MASS okay?? like he would say, "Don't Saba". This guy is a lifetimes worth of brain power and I'd spend a lifetime trying to decipher his brain functionality. He really is an insane person deranged person, lunatic, maniac, nut, nut case, He is Mr Mohoto (VOOOOOOOOOOOOOCK *bbm crying face* )

My Mohoto aka "Mas'khozi" is very special to me, not because he keeps me laughing from half past tot O'clock, but because he opened up to a total stranger as if he had known me for years and it was that easy to come up with rejected solutions to troubles we both faced. I think he transforms me into a thinker nje, its really abnormal to spread transformer vibes like he does. Vocks a crazy person, I say it all the time, he probably believes it too, but wont ever admit to it. But from one crazy to the next, I truly admire that boy... Never mind the Zuko part I see in Vock... hmmmm Zuko (one of my favourite crazies) is a whole new post, So lets stick to the mental case patient called Vock!

Vock inspires me, indirectly so, but yes he does. I admire people who have found their voice and talent. I think its very important as individuals to find our inner voice that truly defines us and also separates us from other mediocre beings. I admire people who are willing to let go of things that delay them from being the best "them" that they could be. I admire people that can still realise a dream when the rest of the world sees the "end of them". I would never cross the lines that he has crossed or walk in paths that he has tread, but I still maintain, Good only comes to those who believe in good, not necessarily those who wait...

Its been a pleasure sharing laughs and heart aches with this guy, I think there is more to come, but I shall take it easy until I have fully discovered the kind of Dianne I so desire to be. Gods mercies, love and innate likeness travels with Vock, so why wouldn't I? In all forms of profoundness, his being is profound enough, no words could capture the true dynamics of being friends with this guys, but the friendship itself. So with that much said and done, I'll walk besides and behind this TALL boy, teaching myself how to live the alternative life, OR NOT! but teaching myself how to expand my realities continually!

#TeamVockYaSole ALL THE WAY!!!

19 October 2011

1. True love happens once in a life time < Bacon can happen 7 times a day, if you want it to.
2. Bacon you can keep in the fridge > True love you cannot.
3. Love is fleeting, < but bacon stays in your arteries forever.

4. Bacon will always be there for you.
5. Bacon won't divorce you over a little misunderstanding.
6. Bacon does not nag or complain.

LOL this Just made my whole day, I love it when people think like me but they somehow have a betttter way of portraying my inner thoughts

Asamoah Gyan "Baby Jet"

"Baby Jet" Legally known as Asamoah Gyan is a man of many talents. Famous for his soccer career, what most people don't know is that Asamoah is also into MUSIC!!! He is a recorded Ghanaian artist with a signature dance move that he takes from the soccer pitch onto his music videos. Well clearly and based on whats going on here, people can live their fantasies and we learn from Baby Jet. In this life, you can actually be whatever combination of human being you want and choose to be.

I am truly inspired by him and so I decide to strech out the limitations life presents to us, and look for alternative routes to self fulfillment and a life lived based on my own terms.

A true combination of hard work and Fun - Asamoah Gyan (Baby Jet)

18 October 2011

Mind Trauma


So I’m going around in circles trying to figure out what’s missing and my mind slowly whispers...

“Lack of dedication AND Mindless Preoccupation”

I lack vocabulary for expressions, words mentioned simply to explain why the lack of determination

All of a sudden I feel lost, everything hidden, all actions I engage in are forbidden

Consumed by my self-scripted misconceptions, disastrous and misleading deviations,

I cant seem to focus my thoughts

Every single attempt at redemption seems like a series of noughts

My mind’s a cluster, everything closed in and covered tight, and nothing wants to come out right

I think I’m losing myself

Life equals zero-adventure, ineffective and wasted steps that lead to nowhere, all I do is dawdle,

Senseless equivocation

Most of my time spent on useless yet mindful deliberations

Not achieving anything, nothing is moving, all in the name of procrastination resulting as stagnation

Characterised by hesitations, a mind stammer, brain stumble, something like a thought stutter,

A congestion and concoction of distractions

My thoughts, hopes and dreams are altogether hanging in suspense, uncertainty and in need of direction

Self disapproval, guilt and annoyance blur my concentration, it’s all really an act of volition

Emptiness, leaving me with countless dissatisfaction

Disappointed in me, discontent, resent and distress plaster every fibre of my being

Reuniting me with my most detested state of self destruction

But forever will I remember the words of a blessed old fella

Keeping me alive, my dreams revived and my future protected, unscathed and sound

“Self-control, Self-discipline, and a Sound Mind”

From my soul, a spirit of fulfilment lives on through inspiring and elevating reverberation


17 October 2011

Correxions Crew

The way I've been boogying to these guys... I wanna dance like them.... I know its gonna take months and months of practice but I think I'll get it right eventually...

Vock Ya Sole on the mic and Correxions Crew perform a dance piece... #VaalHasTalent

Yeah, and you probably cant see them properly, I'll have to upload another video of these talented boys as soon as I get ahold of it...

16 October 2011

Yellow Daisies

I will never again look at Yellow Daisies the same way as I used too... I've never really been big on flowers but I'm starting to appreciate them.
My current Yellow Daisy craze is ofcause inspired by my music craze. After listening to Fertile Ground (One of My Favourite American Jazz Groups) and their lead singer Navasha Daya sings Yellow Daisies and it totally moved me. So now yellow daisies complement my obsession with the sun.

The Lyrics:
" Some days
Some nights
Yellow daisies dance by moonlight
While the other flowers sleep
And dream of love."

15 October 2011

Sheldon Cooper

this guy is one of my favourite actors EVER!!! Sheldon cooper is nothing short of being the perfect human being... So today I honour him and show him some love for all the laughs that were shared because of him... He totally rocks!


Donovan Mokwape
Atleast here it's private.

Dianne Normans
lol yeah

Donovan Mokwape
Do u have an e-mail address?

Dianne Normans
yes, I do Donna

Donovan Mokwape
I really liked the purple dress. U looked amazing in it!

Dianne Normans
lol thanks... I thought you were too drunk t notice cause the last time you saw me, you couldn't recognise who I was

Donovan Mokwape
U still mad t me? If u r hw cn I make it up to u?

Dianne Normans
hmmm I'm not good at dishing out punishment cause I'm usually the one in trouble

Donovan Mokwape
Like that !

Dianne Normans
yeah, so you can suggest ways of making it up to me and we can take it from there

Donovan Mokwape
So hw abt a date whn u gt here? I'd really love to gt to knw u on another level .

Dianne Normans
lol aren't you spoken for? but then again, no one will be in the wrong if people behave

Donovan Mokwape
seems like u down for the challenge!
Everybody is 1.

Dianne Normans
lol I suppose you are correct, but yeah well... You should hit me up on bbm when I get my finances sorted

Donovan Mokwape
Wouldn't miss that for the world. R u using a contract mobile.

Dianne Normans
no, had to change to prepaid so I have to buy airtime everytime i wanna bbm lol

Donovan Mokwape
What's ur favourite car ?
Favourite meal?

Donovan Mokwape
Lol do u do "sexy lingerie"?

Dianne Normans
I've always been a Ford Mustang type of girl but I do a like Jaguars, but I'm into bigggg cars so I like the cadilac escalade
lol hmmm I'm not big on food, but I like creamy spinich bacon and chicken with bacon rosatto

Donovan Mokwape
Wow! I see u r into tough , rough and classy!

Dianne Normans
I had duck breasts the other week yooooh the best nje

Donovan Mokwape
Creamy spinach my fav aswell.

Dianne Normans
Yeah, thats me, and I'll do Audi s3 and s8 anytime
yeah, cream spinach with mushrooms hmmm
you are making me hungry

Donovan Mokwape
U knw wht u want ne!

Dianne Normans
lol most of the time... yes I can say I know what I want
oh oh and cherolet ss v8, the van and the car hmmm

Donovan Mokwape
Wht makes ur day?
I'd love to put a big smile on ur cute face!

Dianne Normans
those unexpected calls, sms's. gifts, laughs from people you weren't even expecting to come across in ages
lol I'm easily pleased but easy to please

Donovan Mokwape
Am I allowed to pleeeeaase u in everyway possible?

Dianne Normans
I'll never say no to pleasure

Donovan Mokwape
My kind of girl!
So won't ur man b a nuisance?

Dianne Normans
Mpho is a nuisance already, nothing new

Donovan Mokwape
Wht turns u on about a "MUSTANG"

Dianne Normans
Have you seen that beast of a car though... yoh its nothing short of sexy... Engine, body, interior... its a package

Donovan Mokwape
Can I be ur "mustang"

Dianne Normans
hahahaha what do you have to offer hmmm?

Donovan Mokwape
BABY! U r 1 of a kind.

Dianne Normans
Thats how it should be though... cant walk around with too many prototypes hmmm

Donovan Mokwape
Power,sexiness nd the package is great!

Donovan Mokwape
Like that "prototypes" lol

Dianne Normans
lol yeah Dona neh... the beauty of being me...

Donovan Mokwape
U knw whn u rev-count the beast, take that to the bedroom! OMG

Dianne Normans
Yeah, certain beasts need to be sheltered, cant leave them out there

Donovan Mokwape
I cn't wait to meet the Devil in u whn u screaming,losing it nd loving it!

Dianne Normans
Nice play on words, you make me wanna walk around as the devil in me hmmm

Donovan Mokwape
have u had breakfast already?
If not.
Can I bring 1 in bed #romance#

Dianne Normans
*Hi5* for romance *low5* for pity...
I missed breakfast cause I was consumed by your flirt session

Donovan Mokwape
Lol! It depends though..
Wether my spell caught u or..

Dianne Normans
if I'm missing meals then you do the math...

Donovan Mokwape
Hope this is not the last conversation we havinG

Dianne Normans
lol... anything is possible... thats the best/worst thing about life

Donovan Mokwape
Nd u r the best!

Dianne Normans
lol **takes a bow** thank you thank you

Donovan Mokwape
Hopefully we'll live up to wht we have discussed.

Dianne Normans
In a hopeful life, what more can we ask for

Donovan Mokwape
I am looking forward to this!

Dianne Normans
Thats the only way we create reality uyabo?

Donovan Mokwape
Bt u never speak unless spoken to y!
Nd yet u got lot to say!

Dianne Normans
lol its just how I am, I always appreciate being found
instead of looking...

Donovan Mokwape
So have I succeeded in finding u my*#@
Nd making u my ....

Dianne Normans
only time will tell... hide and seek is a lifetimes worth of a game...

Donovan Mokwape
So u enjoy being hunted nd captured! We've got something in common. **games**

Dianne Normans
I could spend all day on this playstation called life, and once you find me, make sure you shoot to kill

Donovan Mokwape
*wonderin* do we have to make rules anyway?
My bazooka will shoot to impress! *wink*

Dianne Normans
Rules keep you from being in jailer kind of trouble and trust me,, nobody wants to get caught!

Donovan Mokwape
Bt u want to be caught.

Dianne Normans
found not caught...

Donovan Mokwape
So wht r ur Rules?
Dianne Normans
you'll know when you touch the electric fence

Donovan Mokwape
Since I'm the chaser this should be on my terms.
How do I get to that fence?

Dianne Normans
when chasers start running their own race, they never reach the finish line

Donovan Mokwape
I thought we were on the same wavelength.

Dianne Normans
lol let me ask, do you go fishing with a gun?

Donovan Mokwape
If I have to "yes"

Dianne Normans
again I'll ask, do you go fishing and the fish jump in and out of the water screaming "we are here, come catch me"?

Donovan Mokwape
They dn't hv to, bt I'll see to it that I catch a big 1!

Dianne Normans
its not about the size lol I hope you catch the right one

Donovan Mokwape
Perseverance of a fisherman. They knw wht they want.

Dianne Normans
I'm glad I'm no fisherman... its seems like its admin

Donovan Mokwape
U knw exactly that u want to be found.
Why can't u be specific?

Dianne Normans
I did say I'm not easily pleased but I'm easy to please...
lol h,,, Dona! you are something else nawe ne?

Donovan Mokwape
Ngani manj? Mina my cards are on the table it's jst u takin long.

Dianne Normans
well thats just me...

Donovan Mokwape
I wanna please u!
Nd cn please u.

Dianne Normans
I have no doubts about your capabilities

Donovan Mokwape
We'll jst hv to c if u cn stand a stallion like Donovan

Dianne Normans
lol hahahahaha most guys that call themselves ama Stallion are usually seehorses

Donovan Mokwape
Hahahahahahaha hw many hv u met?

Dianne Normans
I dont make it a point to introduce myself to many, but word of mouth does the job
no pun intended

Donovan Mokwape
Very sarcastic.
Ohk I won't say nomore until the d-day.
Do u like going out!

Dianne Normans
yeah, I like going out, it balances life

Donovan Mokwape
Outdoors or Malls?

Dianne Normans
I don't like malls unless I'm gonna come out with bags of clothes
Donovan Mokwape
Feminism! I love spending time with some1 challenging bt easy to please.

Dianne Normans
lol yeah, I'll never deny the girl in me... she lives on with my guyish tendencies

Donovan Mokwape
Remember last time we saw each other. Damn baby!
Only if I wasn't going to work...

Dianne Normans
lol yeah you seemed a lil confused there...
lol that day I was feeling myself lol

Donovan Mokwape
Yeah u were stunning! Truth b told

Dianne Normans
thank you thank you... I try

Donovan Mokwape
Do u think money plays a big role in relationships?

Dianne Normans
depends on who you are dating first of all...

Donovan Mokwape
Does it matter who u datin?

Dianne Normans
to me? not so much because I'll never ask for money from a guy I'm dating, I'd rather ask a total stranger

Donovan Mokwape
And depends on wht lady Dianne.

Dianne Normans
but every girl likes to be pampered every now and then

Donovan Mokwape
True that bt u haven't answered my Q though

Dianne Normans
ask again maybe I didnt understand it

Donovan Mokwape
Would date a guy like me nd Y
Would u

Dianne Normans
I don't know but I wont say no, yoh you DRINK yoh!
but you are fun to be around as well
I probably would, I have no reason to say i wouldn't

Donovan Mokwape
Lol! If I had a girl like u then I'd have no worries.
I really enjoyed being with u , jst respected ur cous that's all.

Dianne Normans
lol hmmm not as easy to handle hey lol...
Yeah my cuz is my bodyguarde

Donovan Mokwape
Bt once I gt my hands all over u, automatically u'll behave...lol

Dianne Normans
Oh no, I'm well behaved nje in general.. I just like keeping things simple

Donovan Mokwape
Sophisticated people always say that.
U r **HOT**
Nd u r a lady.

Dianne Normans
lol you are on a role neh?
its how some of us were brought up... self confidence, self control and a sound mind

Donovan Mokwape
Ladies on stiletos nd cn manouvre in them I admire!!!
I ain't on a role baby, jst gatting to knw u!

Dianne Normans
ladies in flats understand gravity and comfort but ladies in stilettos understand balance

Donovan Mokwape
Nd whch category r u?

Dianne Normans
all of the above...

Donovan Mokwape
I must say though, stilettos it's like u were born walkin on them!
Do u think men r being intimidated by successful women?

Dianne Normans
then you should see my mom
lol Yeah, men dont like being challenged cause they like "being in control"

Donovan Mokwape
What about u, dn't u like being in control?

Dianne Normans
I like being in control! I'll always be in conrtol, but sometimes I make sure my partner doesnt notice!

Donovan Mokwape
I love the sexy,classy women wth good morals
Hv u ever cheated before? #

Dianne Normans
lol and then that question always comes up
no, I don't cheat cause I wouldn't want to be cheated on
If I experience temptation I tell the person I'm dating

Donovan Mokwape
So u get intimate.
And hw does he help

Dianne Normans
He doesn't have to help, as long as he knows

Donovan Mokwape
Wht if u cn't resist the temptation my dear.

Dianne Normans
it usually pushes him to up his game or we break up
it has never happened

Donovan Mokwape
This will be the 1st
How good are u at smooching?

Dianne Normans
lol too much confidence is often interpreted as pride
lol cant believe I just said that, lol

Donovan Mokwape
How soft are your lips?

Dianne Normans
okay lets do this, I have to rush to the bank,, (15min walk) to get airtime so I can get back onto the system...
can i freeze you, I'll defrost you when I'm back in acton

Donovan Mokwape
I was raised to never fear to raise my voice nd thoughts.
No problem my angel.

Dianne Normans
coolio hang in there!

Donovan Mokwape
For u will do

14 October 2011


There is definitely something about red in a household. I recently went to The Port Elizabeth Opera House and the main furniture colour is RED. It looks super royal and I've always had a thing about decorating my house in red and black... So I've been checking out a few inhouse looks, this is for when I decide to buy a house and the time for interior design comes flying at me... I'm soooo excited!


You see, I've never been that type of girl that walks around oozing "self confidence" and so comfortable with my use of words that I spare no though in sharing them.
I'm probably not as good with words as I thought I was.
To me, action counts for more than just a string of letter pieced into words joined together ending up as some poetic piece.
I speak when spoken too, most of the time I speak cause I spoke too
I know no life without words but then again I know life is no life without laughter.
I express myself through the rhythm of my thoughts that flow and take me to places I dare not travel alone.
I sing a silent hymn of cheer that bears resemblance of a smile.
My heart beats at a hasty pace, rumbles of joy releasing sounds that make my tummy ache.
You see, I too wish I could write for the soul but I end up denting the mind.
Insanity takes over because my mind is unscripted and impromptu.
I too wish I could sound as profound and poetic as they do.
I too wish for a talent characterised by the ability of stringing words into a beautiful piece that leaves people snapping their fingers.
But my task isn't that I make you snap fingers, but clap clap hands and drop tears, tummy hug, and make screeching noises teamed up with a smile.
I too dream of formulating words that leave the soul liberated.
I dream of days where my words could sing songs of praise to the thesaurus cause I played my part and payed attention during language lessons..
But I speak so simply about life and thats enough for me.
I often dream of being this super being, good at everything so artistic, touching and moving souls with my artistic capabilities, but that's not how God intended Dianne to be.
I see God looking at me and thinking, what can I give her? Nothing to share, just the ability to hear and be heard, the voice that strikes and shuts down conversations, the gift of laughter, I grant her.
I see God looking at me and just laughing because he has walked the joke that is my life before.
I see God being pleased with things that make me feel free.
I see God puzzled sometimes not understanding what he created.
But I see God pleased with This creation.
I think He calls me

Gifts that many share, I get to consume and spew out as laughter or thoughtless tears of gratitude and amazement.
My dream is not to touch the hearts of many, but impact the few that touch my soul.
The walk of life is as simple as we choose it to be.
The desire of what others have delays our own fulfillment in the life God designed for us to live...
So from this day forth, I will work at living my life as a wonderful design...
From this day, all I want is to find me and therefore be the best me possible.
In short...

I observe,
I listen, I take note and become a boffin


06 October 2011

LoL for the day...

As an airplane is about to crash, a female passenger jumps frantically and announces,
“If I’m going to die, I want to die feeling like a woman.”

She removes all her clothing and asks, “Is there someone on this plane who is man enough
to make me feel like a woman?”

A man Boldly stands up, removes his shirt and says
“here, iron this!!!”

When You Meet My Friend

Dear Lover

I want you to meet my friend cause I think she is amazing, I think you'll like her...
When you meet my friend, don't let go of my hand cause when you touch her as you give her a hand shake, I'm afraid you will feel a connection that that will move you away from me....
You see my friend is like music...
She can paralyse you from the centre of your being, she can rescript your life without permission, and retell it to the whole world in a way that you couldn't even imagine!
My friend is the drug of life, too cool to leave, while she slowly screws with your life, but you still wont leave cause your whole life will revolve around her... she will become your axis indeed the nucleus of your being

Dear lover of mine I think I don't want you to meet my friend cause when you meet her you will love her
You will love her so much, you wont even bother
You wont even bother yourself with me cause she'll make you feel free...
So free that you will feel her careless rhythm from that handshake that I dread so much, so free that you truly wont ever want to be with me

When you meet my friend, you'll think you have met the one
And you'll feel I'm this gateway but as for you and me, none.
My friend will penetrate through to the end, the circumference of your mind
She’ll leave you in a state forcing you to come to me, yes to confide in me...
When she leaves you will bleed, because she sunk her claws too deep,
Controlling your blood stream, yes, when she leaves you will be bleak cause you have found the woman of your dreams
This is deep, you wont be able to breathe...
My lover this is a hard case of nihilism...
Experiencing body mind and soul discomposure, things untold, nature that you are unable to fathom

Dear lover, shortly you meet my friend you will hate me
You will hate me cause you don't know how to love her
Nature will seem abnormal cause you don't see her as one or the other
you will hate the world for the guideless romance
apprehension, ambiguous confusion, hesitation, the order of your self title dissertation
She will leave you heartless and miserable, but most of all, she will leave you questioning why you let go of my hand
And again you hate me...
Hate me cause it was I who led you to her
Cause I restructured her and made her what once was to you...
Oh but you will hate me cause you will soon learn that she is me...
Dear lover, forever you will hate me cause I carried you, mind body and soul, hand in hand, to the beginning of the end!


05 October 2011

Model Of The WEEK

Ryland Ellison WOW!!!

I still say he is one of the hottest guys I've ever laid eyes on... WOW! Masterpiece!!

Walls of Motivation

Recently motivation seems to be overpowered by fatigue, stress, habit, curiosity and anxiety, and any means seem insufficient to bring back the youthful, enthusiastic and energized being in me and a few of my close friends.

So I decided to use another form of "fightback" tool that has always been available, I just thought I was too "good" too "cool" to try. I must say, my first session of THERAPY seemed to be just what I needed. Sometimes speaking to a total stranger is just what we need. Strangers are often impartial and can thus give you a new perspective or new way of looking at a things. Sometimes we are too far to even try and comeback to our old self, so new methods of healing need to be attempted. Hey... look at me? who would have thought that I would actually go through with the whole shrink thing??? I wanna help others through helping myself, so this to me is my first step in gaining and understanding the wisdom that comes from God, wisdom that allows me to breakdown self destructive ways of living my life, and wisdom to simply aid and guide me in the right direction, breaking down walls that keep me from being a peace loving and happy person.

The funny thing about walls is that most of the time, we build walls thinking we are protecting ourselves from the world, pain, disillusionment and other hurtful things. But my understanding and experiences have led me into seeing things differently. We often don't realise it but often
walls built to shut out the rest of the world could easily suffocate you when life gets too rough
. The best part about walls is that you can easily break them down if you have the right equipment at your service, but unfortunately, most of us don't have that kind of luxury lying around.

Real friends are very important during time of need, I'm glad that God has blessed me with all sorts of crazy friends that can be there for me given any life circumstance. But not forgetting that God himself is a friend and and a father at the same time, able to take good care of us in times of need. The mercy of God travels with all of us everywhere we go, and if we get weary along the way, God pulls through for us.

All in all, what I'm saying is, make real friends, not simple acquaintances you cant rely on, true friends are a blessing from God and they will be able to stand by you whenever you need strength to go on with your life. Motivation is a simple activation in the mind, often hidden in deep thought, plans, values, skill and in most cases, pain. If you fail to self-motivate, make sure you go back to the owner of your being and ask him to press reset.

Peace & Lovely Things

04 October 2011

In The Morning

So Joy comes in the morning...

I love the sun, it brings an incredible smile to my face, a feeling that I have never been able to explain to people.

I'm very hands on with nature, I gain most of my understanding from it, but it always leaves me with many questions but the sun somehow keeps me smiling...
Here's my young analogy about The wind, the water and the sun. This thought was inspired by the tornado that hit the Eastrand days ago...

...You know what excites me about these pictures, not that people's property being destroyed makes me happy and excited but I love the art in the pictures... If you look at the pics with the Tornado only, you can see a beautiful but heartbreaking picture in the sky, like a struggle of some sort in nature, within itself. Everytime I think of a tornado, I see the water and the wind fighting and the wind is very forceful and doesn't mind taking everyone down with it... then before the wind thinks it has destroyed everything, The joy of the sun brings a smile so bright that peace flows through and through us... Look at the pictures of the Tornado again... see the sun making an appearance... hmmm...

The Sun is my hero... it keeps on shining no matter what... covered by bad weather or not, it still managers to bring brightness in the morning, the joy that travels in my heart...

Oh the other hand, I really hope everyone will be fine and that they will take this as a reminder of the coming of the Lord... Matthew 24... :)

03 October 2011

Colour Block!!!

My latest fashion craze started a few months back when I realised that I cant flock with birds of another kind of feather. All my friends at Rhodes are fashion crazy and I've always been content with being "comfortable" and "not trying too hard" to look good. But lately, I draw strength and comfort from looking good. Wise people always say
"If you look good, you feel good"
and I totally relate. Comfort and beauty are a tag team unbeatable, not even by a bad day.

The colour blocking trend is the best thing ever, simply because I've always been a fan of man that aren't afraid to experiment with colour. Its a simple trend to follow and can be recreated from all the simple but colourful outfits you have in your closet. I'm going to enjoy 2011 Spring/Summer because of my new interest in clothes and simply looking and feeling good. Looking good is the current trend, future trend and undying style.

Its all about short, floral and colourful dresses, pants, skirts, or simple plain straight coloured shirts, blazers, pants... Here are a few pics of friends colour blocking and looking Dope...

01 October 2011


Love hey? Too complex.... I cant even blog about it cause its too much for my mind to digest at once, but I will just quote the lyrics to my favourite love song by Buju Bantan - Wanna Be Loved


Wanna be loved
Not for who you think I am
Nor what you want me to be
Could you love me for me?
Real love, with no strings attached
I wanna give you me heart
Don't want to take it back
This is my chat-cho

Been searching for a long long time
For that oh-so-true love
To comfort this heart of mine
No pretense stop wasting my time
A virtuous woman is really hard to find
I'm telling you lady
I'm only human, not looking for impossibility
Just a genuine woman with sincerity
Someone who is always near to hold me
Show me you care, up front and boldly
Don't shun my feelings, all the positive meanings
Love me morning, noon all seasons


Well every hoe have it's stick in a bush
What happen to me...she must be somewhere out there
Now where could she be?
Caught up passionately in a love rhapsody
I'm like waiting on some honey
But there ain't no queen bee
Everybody's laughing
Some say I'm silly
No infatuation, no love fantasy
Woman you lead my life on a string
I can't tale the on and off thing
I'm oh so lonely inside so I sing


I would spend my nights at home
But if it means contention
I'd rather be alone
Tell the service man cut the phones
Lock all communication
If there's no light within my day
I'd rather stay in isolation
For that special someone a lifetime I'll wait
I know that I'll be okay
Cross my heart, every day I live I pray
And I know she'll come my way
Night and day for this woman I pray