14 October 2011


You see, I've never been that type of girl that walks around oozing "self confidence" and so comfortable with my use of words that I spare no though in sharing them.
I'm probably not as good with words as I thought I was.
To me, action counts for more than just a string of letter pieced into words joined together ending up as some poetic piece.
I speak when spoken too, most of the time I speak cause I spoke too
I know no life without words but then again I know life is no life without laughter.
I express myself through the rhythm of my thoughts that flow and take me to places I dare not travel alone.
I sing a silent hymn of cheer that bears resemblance of a smile.
My heart beats at a hasty pace, rumbles of joy releasing sounds that make my tummy ache.
You see, I too wish I could write for the soul but I end up denting the mind.
Insanity takes over because my mind is unscripted and impromptu.
I too wish I could sound as profound and poetic as they do.
I too wish for a talent characterised by the ability of stringing words into a beautiful piece that leaves people snapping their fingers.
But my task isn't that I make you snap fingers, but clap clap hands and drop tears, tummy hug, and make screeching noises teamed up with a smile.
I too dream of formulating words that leave the soul liberated.
I dream of days where my words could sing songs of praise to the thesaurus cause I played my part and payed attention during language lessons..
But I speak so simply about life and thats enough for me.
I often dream of being this super being, good at everything so artistic, touching and moving souls with my artistic capabilities, but that's not how God intended Dianne to be.
I see God looking at me and thinking, what can I give her? Nothing to share, just the ability to hear and be heard, the voice that strikes and shuts down conversations, the gift of laughter, I grant her.
I see God looking at me and just laughing because he has walked the joke that is my life before.
I see God being pleased with things that make me feel free.
I see God puzzled sometimes not understanding what he created.
But I see God pleased with This creation.
I think He calls me

Gifts that many share, I get to consume and spew out as laughter or thoughtless tears of gratitude and amazement.
My dream is not to touch the hearts of many, but impact the few that touch my soul.
The walk of life is as simple as we choose it to be.
The desire of what others have delays our own fulfillment in the life God designed for us to live...
So from this day forth, I will work at living my life as a wonderful design...
From this day, all I want is to find me and therefore be the best me possible.
In short...

I observe,
I listen, I take note and become a boffin


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