24 October 2011

Vock Ya Sole

Tshepo Mohoto aka VOCK YA SOLE

If there were enough words in the world of vocabulary to describe this guys level of crazy, I'd have them all summed up. Quite frankly, I've never met such a type of a perplexed individual, with thoughts and reactions so complex, I struggle to comprehend. But for some odd reason, He complements my kind of crazy. This Friendship of ours is on STEROIDS! Its been the best 3months + many weeks of 2011 because of this OWL of a creature! From morning chats to late night voice noting, Vock remains the crazy I'd like to keep in contact with for a lifetime and a bit. He reminds me of Samza aka Lele, another art piece of madness that I wont discuss cause I'll never stop! I'd need a miracle to put those words into formation nje so NO! What matters is that they share a link only I can see...

He has some extreme brain-work talent that gets him into the craziest state of mind that forces reactions out of me. I will say that he thinks that he is shy, which is probably true, just that in my presence, everyone does seem like a shy being cause I talk too much. He does challenge me to be better than I am though, He even got me on that bible reading steez! He has these pics that he takes that he likes to embody a CHRIST-LIKE human person that exists in him. But nothing beats this "God is Love" one.

Apart from all the crazy, music (Thomas Karooz ft Vock Ya Sole Life[Karabo] and Third World ft Vock Ya Sole Jammin' "They Produce... He Mixes... I Perform...")) and talent, Vock is very good looking! No No I mean, Vock is a look and a half, he has his own features that the ladies cant resist. I laugh everytime he thinks he looks older than he actually is cause really, with growth comes a matured charm so, yeah, I recommend him to all the ladies out there who want some Mohoto loving. But more than anything else, I'm very glad Vock isn't just a "PRETTY FACE", or just a simple, HANDSOME Guy, his mind is the true definition of "Gods Likeness"! I wont lie, he is a very challenging being. He reminds me of my daily Christian struggles: like every Christian walk, he can have you questioning why you are doing what you do while drawing you closer to the beauty of being a child of the Most High God. I mean, from someone who comes alive at night? made by a God that never sleeps, what more can I say? I can name countless occasions where I've wanted to co-habitat with his brain in that head of his, NEVER MIND THE BODY MASS okay?? like he would say, "Don't Saba". This guy is a lifetimes worth of brain power and I'd spend a lifetime trying to decipher his brain functionality. He really is an insane person deranged person, lunatic, maniac, nut, nut case, He is Mr Mohoto (VOOOOOOOOOOOOOCK *bbm crying face* )

My Mohoto aka "Mas'khozi" is very special to me, not because he keeps me laughing from half past tot O'clock, but because he opened up to a total stranger as if he had known me for years and it was that easy to come up with rejected solutions to troubles we both faced. I think he transforms me into a thinker nje, its really abnormal to spread transformer vibes like he does. Vocks a crazy person, I say it all the time, he probably believes it too, but wont ever admit to it. But from one crazy to the next, I truly admire that boy... Never mind the Zuko part I see in Vock... hmmmm Zuko (one of my favourite crazies) is a whole new post, So lets stick to the mental case patient called Vock!

Vock inspires me, indirectly so, but yes he does. I admire people who have found their voice and talent. I think its very important as individuals to find our inner voice that truly defines us and also separates us from other mediocre beings. I admire people who are willing to let go of things that delay them from being the best "them" that they could be. I admire people that can still realise a dream when the rest of the world sees the "end of them". I would never cross the lines that he has crossed or walk in paths that he has tread, but I still maintain, Good only comes to those who believe in good, not necessarily those who wait...

Its been a pleasure sharing laughs and heart aches with this guy, I think there is more to come, but I shall take it easy until I have fully discovered the kind of Dianne I so desire to be. Gods mercies, love and innate likeness travels with Vock, so why wouldn't I? In all forms of profoundness, his being is profound enough, no words could capture the true dynamics of being friends with this guys, but the friendship itself. So with that much said and done, I'll walk besides and behind this TALL boy, teaching myself how to live the alternative life, OR NOT! but teaching myself how to expand my realities continually!

#TeamVockYaSole ALL THE WAY!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, wow and wow !! Interesting read.. I can to all that's been written ka Vock lol :)
