18 October 2011

Mind Trauma


So I’m going around in circles trying to figure out what’s missing and my mind slowly whispers...

“Lack of dedication AND Mindless Preoccupation”

I lack vocabulary for expressions, words mentioned simply to explain why the lack of determination

All of a sudden I feel lost, everything hidden, all actions I engage in are forbidden

Consumed by my self-scripted misconceptions, disastrous and misleading deviations,

I cant seem to focus my thoughts

Every single attempt at redemption seems like a series of noughts

My mind’s a cluster, everything closed in and covered tight, and nothing wants to come out right

I think I’m losing myself

Life equals zero-adventure, ineffective and wasted steps that lead to nowhere, all I do is dawdle,

Senseless equivocation

Most of my time spent on useless yet mindful deliberations

Not achieving anything, nothing is moving, all in the name of procrastination resulting as stagnation

Characterised by hesitations, a mind stammer, brain stumble, something like a thought stutter,

A congestion and concoction of distractions

My thoughts, hopes and dreams are altogether hanging in suspense, uncertainty and in need of direction

Self disapproval, guilt and annoyance blur my concentration, it’s all really an act of volition

Emptiness, leaving me with countless dissatisfaction

Disappointed in me, discontent, resent and distress plaster every fibre of my being

Reuniting me with my most detested state of self destruction

But forever will I remember the words of a blessed old fella

Keeping me alive, my dreams revived and my future protected, unscathed and sound

“Self-control, Self-discipline, and a Sound Mind”

From my soul, a spirit of fulfilment lives on through inspiring and elevating reverberation



  1. Wow... This is really sad but on the other end, very put together... Like thy not so typical way of saying "theres a light at the end of the tunnel" and that your morals always remain no matter what

  2. Hmmm D-No, you seem to have a swing for this whole writing metaphorically neh? You are a very emotional writer, thats what I've noticed
