19 October 2011

Asamoah Gyan "Baby Jet"

"Baby Jet" Legally known as Asamoah Gyan is a man of many talents. Famous for his soccer career, what most people don't know is that Asamoah is also into MUSIC!!! He is a recorded Ghanaian artist with a signature dance move that he takes from the soccer pitch onto his music videos. Well clearly and based on whats going on here, people can live their fantasies and we learn from Baby Jet. In this life, you can actually be whatever combination of human being you want and choose to be.

I am truly inspired by him and so I decide to strech out the limitations life presents to us, and look for alternative routes to self fulfillment and a life lived based on my own terms.

A true combination of hard work and Fun - Asamoah Gyan (Baby Jet)

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