04 October 2011

In The Morning

So Joy comes in the morning...

I love the sun, it brings an incredible smile to my face, a feeling that I have never been able to explain to people.

I'm very hands on with nature, I gain most of my understanding from it, but it always leaves me with many questions but the sun somehow keeps me smiling...
Here's my young analogy about The wind, the water and the sun. This thought was inspired by the tornado that hit the Eastrand days ago...

...You know what excites me about these pictures, not that people's property being destroyed makes me happy and excited but I love the art in the pictures... If you look at the pics with the Tornado only, you can see a beautiful but heartbreaking picture in the sky, like a struggle of some sort in nature, within itself. Everytime I think of a tornado, I see the water and the wind fighting and the wind is very forceful and doesn't mind taking everyone down with it... then before the wind thinks it has destroyed everything, The joy of the sun brings a smile so bright that peace flows through and through us... Look at the pictures of the Tornado again... see the sun making an appearance... hmmm...

The Sun is my hero... it keeps on shining no matter what... covered by bad weather or not, it still managers to bring brightness in the morning, the joy that travels in my heart...

Oh the other hand, I really hope everyone will be fine and that they will take this as a reminder of the coming of the Lord... Matthew 24... :)

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