28 January 2013

2013 Plan

Usually when making plans, I neglect the fact that at times I lack self motivation, which is crucial for implementation. Also, at times, I overwhelm myself with unattainable goals, or stacking up and cramping multiple  goals into a short space of time. Being over ambitious may be the flaw of a perfect plan.

My motive this year, however, is to collect valuable qualifications. Most important, qualifications I can use to better my chances of become the person I was destined to be. This begins with HRM, yes! I said it, Human Resource Management. Second one, Skills Development Facilitator. 

I've always been a fan of working with people, and just improving working conditions as a whole. Learning how to do better for people, without them taking advantage of the situations. I developed this kind of interest from my university study of Industrial and Economical Sociology, studying the sociology of work and Industrial Relations.

From studying theorists like Marks and Engels, who had a convoluted view about nature, and how happy endings come from destructions, isn't my idea of a chosen way of employment, but, however, they have shaped my ways of thinking. I do believe in good things that seem highly unachievable, happening, from simply self-struggle, and a change or a shift in views about things.

So the plan is simple, I simply want to do better, and from doing better, I will become better. 

For me, the most inspiring person I've come across, was a friend that everyone looked down upon, who actually seems more crazy and irrational than most of us, my friend Zamo. She went from a confused state, and managed to make it into honours and now a masters student, by simply not knowing what the hell she was doing, but still, nonetheless, wanted to be better than herself. 

Truth is, we all don't know where the future will take us, and how things can change in no time, but its great to fell hopeful again, and to come up with a plan that seem doable.

Thank God for the inspiring conversations I have with him through myself. Significant understanding of how he dwells in me without me even knowing or acknowledging him in my life.

2013.... HRM and SDF... (Plus drivers license and all other life improvement achievements that come with it)

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