31 January 2013

Motsepe Foundation

Apart from all the rumours that flocked my mind as soon as I heard that Patrice has donated or is planing on donation half of his fortune to charity, I have found comfort in his acts.
At first, I questioned why he would donate so much money and to a charity? What charity was this? And why does it need over 12 billion in Rands to be a success? I had a mental political struggle in my head.
But now I am awoken by a pleasant perspective, imagining how much of a difference 12 billion can make in the lives of the South African Youth, on condition that it is spent well and no scandalous "missing funds" Front Page news bulletins striking us ever third morning.

I am very happy that Patrice and his wife Precious, have decided to grant such a gift to the Country, Also nje, what was he gonna do with 22 billion rand nje in general? What more can you buy when you have acquired all that money can buy? I mean, all these rich people? What are they doing with their money, from the top of my head, without hectic thought, I think, to run a Motsepe house hold, shouldn't cost more than 30 Thousand a month, And honestly, R30 000 a month is someones salary and they have to run a household with that until they have accumulated more.

A good friend of mine once said, money? never an issue, its always out there, you just need to apply yourself in such a way that you make sure you get it. So my question is, what went wrong? Why isn't moving to eradicate poverty lines, unemployment and lack of skills required to sustain individuals in South Africa?
Some underlying factor that  prevails is the reason to why the nation isn't improving.

But not to spoil the moment, I'd like to thank Mr & Mrs Motsepe and congratulate them on their act of kindness.

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