29 January 2013

A Dull Memory

I've come a long way...

Life wasn't always like this. May tears I cried, not knowing what the future had in store for me, but still, I never stopped dreaming bright, big and exciting. I always saw the future as my sweet escape.
My mother sacrificed a lot for me and my siblings and throughout my life, I realised that I would have wasted her efforts taking the mediocre route in life.
She put me through school, with only her "rights" as an educated, know the rights of the students. Leaving her in piles of debt, I never looked back after graduating, just to take a moment and thank her for her efforts, I'd thank her every chance I got, every moment I was afforded, I'd thank her for being both a mother and a father to me.
Through my frustrations, I'd turn into a monster blowing fire on everyone I saw, but she was patient with me, wanting to make sure any failure in my life was my fault.
She raised me well... She raised me like a King, preparing me for a dry, lonely, successful, powerful, controlled life, I just had to choose which part i could leave out.

From the pain of waking up and passing out to an empty fridge or going to school with no lunch, watching other "friends" have their meals. Life wasn't always awesome, nothing seemed to have a happy ending about it, but I was determined to do great things, excel in all that I did and be the best in everything I had envisioned.

Now, many years down the line, I look back with a melancholic smile, remembering the paths we traveled as a family and the great we have overcome...

The power of a positive mind...

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