16 January 2013

Small Things

  • Music
  • An unexpected kiss
  • When someone values your opinion
  • A hand written letter
  • Watching someone describe their passion
  • Long Weekends
  • Being told you are loved
  • A smile from across the room
  • When someone remembers small detail about you
  • Realising you have lost weight
  • A bacon, cheese and egg sandwich
  • Music on a bad day
  • Baby toes and feet
  • A good night sleep
  • Waking up and remembering the good things that happened the day before
  • Mbujumbura's smile and laughter
  • Realising your crush has a crush on you too
  • Realising you're not the only one
  • Being the first to know
  • Beating a personal record
  • Breakfast in BED
  • Picnics
  • A kiss on the cheek
  • The moon
  • Realising you don't have to wake up early the next morning
  • Fresh Sweet Fruit
  • A long phone conversation
  • Finding money you forgot you had
  • Playing on the swings
  • Ice cream on a cold day
  • Compassionate people
  • The light at the end of a tunnel

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