24 January 2013

Weight Loss

My growing desire  and obsession with weight loss has got me losing my mind really, I'm forever trying to find a cheap and quick way to kill body fat and keep it gone, but my motivation only last me till I'm on my period and in no position to be flexing all over the house.

I've watched my siblings lose weight and have always wondered what I was doing wrong. To the point where I have quit alcohol and soon, I'll stop eating meat, and before you know it, I will stop eating completely...

But I've never been successful at harming myself by not eating as opposed to harming it more by stuffing my face. I think The shocking image of my body wobbling and moving with everything that moves only benefits the depression side of being myself, apart from that, life just keeps going as it was before, maybe a day lag or depression and self hate but tomorrow, its all systems go.

I really should find a fun way to decrease body fat... I think that will be beneficial  like back at university, when I could attend aerobics and spinning classes, proper ribbed thigh action, abs everything! Oh well... soon life shall develop me into an awesome piece of human.

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